
  1. I enjoy pop and awe quite a lot after the update especially now with striker jones. Me like watching things go kaboom very quickly

  2. I replayed this video many times and I laugh every single time Holy shit this is gold

  3. Our seiso idols has graduated from clown school o7

  4. I refuse to believe this actually happen to people no matter how many times I seen similar posts

  5. Eight year old banana for scale?

  6. Bought a second hand 3070 and didnt regret a thing

  7. Feels so weird that the 5000 series is 2 years ago but still very much in the top picks

  8. She was at that anime convention in Singapore yesterday, so hopefully we'll see more of Gura soon.

  9. Can confirm, I was there and saw Gura a bit glitchy but still alive and somehow still less scuff than Calli

  10. The art is amazing, however it is missing a blender somewhere...

  11. I think I get a metal casing for the bonus?

  12. This has been the only affordable PC part that launched in this few weeks

  13. Monkey on a typewriter is your IDE

  14. My thoughts are cementing day by day that valve cannot count past 2.

  15. Would be funny if rtx 3000 series crashes on booting up portal RTX

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