
  1. For me it was super Mario bros, back in 1990, when I completed 1-4 the first time. I knew nothing about the game and I remember being shocked when it said our princess is in another castle and loaded up 2-1. All I had ever played before that was atari games and didn't know games could be that long.

  2. Now that's getting into the Halloween spirit! That note stuck to my door would scare me more than any lawn decorations.

  3. Camping at a state park near the Grand Canyon, we discovered a trail that led to the edge of the canyon. At that point I realized there's hundreds of miles of "edge of the Grand Canyon" and of course there's no guard rail for most of it.

  4. I was going to say the same thing. There are only rails at the parts where they built walkways and observation platforms. It is not possible to police the entire stretch of the canyon. It's something like 270 miles long.

  5. Cops need to be able to issue citations for excessive use of bro.

  6. The fact that she uses the qualifier "very, " means she is trying to describe herself as having worked her way up from humble beginnings. She is not thinking of Marxist definitions of classes. Maybe she is just trying to distinguish herself from the "ruling" class or nobility.

  7. No this is not justice served. A 15 yr old being killed is terrible. Was she really beyond saving? Yeah she was a POS before but maybe we should try rehabilitation or something.

  8. I kind of agree with you. Punishment should be proportional to the crime. People are to quick to start calling for the death penalty. Makes me think of the opening scene of the godfather. We are not murderers, in spite of what this undertaker thinks.

  9. But fortune tellers gain money for doing what they do. What is he gaining exactly? You could say it’s just a technique to make christianity seem more convincing; therefore, more people are likely to join it. But in that case, why would this guy be a Christian if he knew he was lying and didn’t actually hear anything? At that point it just equates them to scammers, which i’m not 100% denying, but doesn’t seem likely. I would rather hold the opinion that they truly do believe they hear god and do believe they are helping, but they are just mixing up their own voices with “gods” in their head

  10. There are clues in your story. You said your parents "made" you go to the meeting. I know how these things work. Your parents have 100% been talking to people in the church about you, sharing whatever details they know, and probably speculating. Saying things like " We get the feeling he's in a relationship with someone he's not telling us about." The "prophets" do not go into these things unprepared. They ask the church leaders for any and all information they can get. Your parents told people you were coming, and the church leaders passed all the info they had on you to the "prophets." They assigned your case to one of the younger prophets, hoping you would respond better to someone closer to your age. As to your question why would they do this? The short answer is money, at least for the ones running the show. The younger ones might actually believe in the "magic" and are just trying to do what they think they are being called to do. They will eventually either move up in the business until they are profiting from it, or they will realize it's a scam and break off.

  11. Well of course it would. We can't start holding public servants accountable for crimes. Where would we be then?

  12. Don't look at it like you're starting over, look at it like you're picking up where you left off. All you have to think about is today.

  13. Alright kids, the odds of yall ever getting laid just dipped slightly below the odds of yall getting shot at, so we're going to need to mix this up a little this year. Sex Ed will be replaced by Bleeding control tech 101, science will be replaced with Lessons from Genesis, History will be replaced with AP Newsmax, and we'll be changing the school mascot from the mustangs to the .243 Winchester. Yeeehaw!

  14. Dude just casually got out of his car and walked inside like no big deal

  15. He's probably still in there, sleeping it off.

  16. I see your flat earther and raise you one rectangular earther.

  17. Lmao I know how to use coordinates, was just referring to the tree pillar as a joke whether I should keep adding on to it.

  18. Oh sorry. It's a cool tree. Definitely keep adding

  19. However, that message gets kind of obscured behind the depressing idea that the only way to defeat capitalism is with zombies.

  20. His feet are still swollen from last time? Must have been a hell of a dance.

  21. Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

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