
  1. I don't remember the last time the US had such a clear duty to act. Israel is a close ally under the US defense umbrella and was just attacked by a peer, and the only reason there was not widespread devastation is because of Western weapon development and sophistication.

  2. Remember Iran sort of directly attack US based few years back. This is sort of similar situation. Iran needs face saving and US understands.

  3. You can block them. They will not be able to find you and vice versa (until you unblock them).

  4. Exactly. Not sure why they're getting butt hurt. It is interesting information.

  5. Ah yes, i did see that - but it's upside down from what we've got.

  6. You need to get yourself tested and then get yourself a divorce lawyer. I would probably respond to the mother-in-law and ask her if she's proud of the "man" that she raised, then block her.

  7. DB you can carry as much luggage as you can carry. You might not be able to store it with you, but there are no limits.

  8. Can you elaborate more on second part? It will be my first day in Germany so I don't have room for "getting lost" in my plans.

  9. Be prepared to move your luggage on your own over large distances. If you cant - take less

  10. I see. Yes, I can as baggage has wheels but I can't lift them for longer than few seconds as they're pretty heavy for me.

  11. Yup it's well known the people of China value privacy above all

  12. My mother was one of the 120 women who died during Operation Iraqi Freedom and let me tell you, people forget what she died for all the time.

  13. There are other countries in the world who do the exact same thing and western world support them because they are on western side.

  14. It's not only possible, the landlord, yes, even when they are a student, is required to provide the papers for Anmeldung.

  15. I'm not sure where you are, but according to the Studentenwerk München sublet policy, the main tenant is obligated to provide the Wohnungsgeberbestaetigung (the Anmeldung document) and also make a contract and send it to the Studentenwerk admin office.

  16. I mean it almost worked. Plan for that strategy next time

  17. Drink a couple of litres of fuel and pee in the tank if car runs out of gas.

  18. I did not say ‘Germans have a word for everything’. I simply respect a language that nicely utilizes compound words.

  19. There are similar English words too with or without space like classroom, homework, school bus, handwriting, backpack etc.

  20. Yes, but they dont have a Rohfleischwarenetikettiergerätüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz

  21. Longest word in English dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

  22. That's ... a bit unspecific. Which part of the buffalo is used for the hotness?

  23. This is why you are having a problem. Public health insurance is governed by the rules set out in SGB V. Students are only eligible for the student membership until they turn 30. You are now too old for a student membership at any public insurer.

  24. After several months of working, you can quit and still have the insurance, but it is closer to 240€, as I remember.

  25. I tried to talk them to keep me on. They said they will try to find a solution and reply back on Monday. Fingers crossed 🤞

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