
  1. Are you religious? Do you keep up a lot of other cultural traditions? Are answers like “because I said so” and “because the Bible says so” or “because we’ve always done it that way” okay with you and your wife; and would you like your son to think that way too?

  2. Do you wear it when you sleep? Maybe it came off by your headboard or in your sheets.

  3. You need to have payroll run for this person and mail them a check with the proper records. If they choose not to take the money that’s different from you choosing not to give it to them.

  4. Wind/air pressure fluctuations against big windows or storm doors sound like this at my house

  5. I use them to cover mouse holes from when my tent was in the garage

  6. I personally wouldn’t do it. If you’re willing to go with a 100 series get an 04 or better yet one of the canbus standard ones so the head unit swaps aren’t so expensive

  7. Entirely possible I guess, I have no idea specifically where a tomato seed would have come from here though

  8. Get those in their final container soon. You don’t want those roots to think they ran outta space

  9. If you’re in NY, I’m selling a box off of my e450 medtech

  10. If it does get bad, at least we have a functioning federal government to help control it

  11. Bigger concern is it becoming a solar farm if there’s a south facing slope

  12. Delete this post and get on with your life

  13. Whatever you do, don’t pay yourself till your employees are covered

  14. I had a close call coming off the thruway today, a bunch of snow had either not been plowed or came off a big truck and all I could do was hit it.

  15. Why are we putting solar on good farmland when theres tons of desert we could use instead?

  16. Wait till ya find out what a lot of that desert used to be

  17. Did I make up strawberry shortcake ice cream?

  18. I’m not saying get the most expensive stuff, but don’t buy or reuse rusty or bent lids.

  19. Sorry to hear all that, glad you’re okay.

  20. If they are well fed and have a healthy amount of light, I’d expect eggs soon. Do you know if they were laying before you got them?

  21. I bought an android phone with a thermal camera for 1/3 of the cost of an inspection- I’ve used it for heat, windows, plumbing, and electrical stuff. Super handy. Most recently we used it to find an air bubble in my heating system.

  22. We wanted to try something different as I alwats want Aria kebab so we got Mamouns. 4.5 stars on google reviews.

  23. Mamouns is so bad. They’ve always gotten by on great reviews from drunk people.

  24. Hi, I’d offer that you won’t regret looking a little longer, and if you are desperate to get moving right now you can try something a little cheaper like renting an acre for gardens while looking.

  25. Gabe Brown figured that one out a while ago, give him a read.

  26. I’ve read dirt to soil but don’t recall seeing a silver bullet for rocks in there. Not trolling, what are you talking about?

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