
  1. bu adam kazanmadı. kk den kurtulan chp kazandı. bu adamın yerine kim olursa olsun büyük ihtimalle şimdi %40 barajını geçerdi chp

  2. I’m in the upgrade window and I’m trying to think of things that would sell me on a new phone.

  3. since we are talking about apple here , smarter siri will be definitely new iphone exclusive cause only newer model will have processor power to support smarter siri RemindMe! 6 months

  4. mk siz önce size verilen penaltılara bakın dua edinde onlarda leak olmasın daha sokağa çıkamazsınız

  5. at this point I feel like I deserve a european passport cause i think i contributed more than most europeans with my tax money

  6. gsliyim ama helal olsun osayiye öyle karı gibi kaçmadı mlarına koydu malların

  7. hahah same here I saw several nigerian looking person on that ceremony. Did you ask other nigerian dude to take pictures of and your friend while receiving your oath ?

  8. burda bunu dediğimizde kk ya laf ettiğimizde bi ton down vote yiyip bide üstüne ban yemiştim. hak ettiniz

  9. This why I said, in general, consider the environment you live in and what do you do. If you want to play games in a sunny room with almost transparent white curtains, maybe matte makes more sense, if you play in the evening, take the glossy✌️

  10. how s ifly compared to pmdg? I hope its as good as pmdg so i can stop founding that rsr douchebag

  11. The ifly in p3d is fantastic. Extremely in depth systems and complex. Their only downfall is their binding system. It’s based on an external system that binds what you want to the keyboard so if you use external hardware you have to bind the switch you want to use to a keyboard letter then bind that letter to the corresponding system in the plane using the ifly program. Hopefully they rely on lvars and simconnect in msfs

  12. It sucks that apple make this color exclusive to pro and max variants only so they can force people to buy expensive model

  13. It’s funny, how tff announced it today so icardi can play against bjk. Also a 1 match suspension is joke xd

  14. i love how a fB fan can talk about a decision made by tff bro if it wasn’t for büyükekşi s tff you guys would be 10 points behind . Especially last 2 penalty was pure pathetic decisions like literally no refree in the world would give those 2 penalties

  15. Bence de dönsün. Partinin anasini tam s... medi.

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