
  1. I’ve always thought that port novo was one of the best maps in the game. My friends agree.

  2. Lol folk se på bildet her og svar med: "oi tomatsaus, luxus." Og da tror at du handel feil ikke at systemet her er feil.

  3. Peppes pizzasaus er ganske dyr for en bitteliten boks med saus. Eldorado sin er ca. 10kr billigere.

  4. Hvor finner du Eldorado sin til 5kr? Peppes pizzasaus koster alltid 15kr på Rema. Samme som Rema sin egen, og Eldorado pizzasaus ligger vel på ca 12kr iallefall etter hva jeg kan se.

  5. Jobber på en KIWI butikk, der er det nesten 30kr for en boks.

  6. Box cutters are usually pretty sharp though

  7. This is how kids either end up with gunshot wounds/death or end up shooting someone else. How on earth did he get a taser

  8. No idea, though I'd rather a kid have a taser than a gun.

  9. Nope definetly not, that isn't something I'd do. Also, I should clarifying, I don't even play among us I just have absolute 2020 shitposting brainrot and use among us as any kind of placeholder. Doesn't explain the among us in cyrillic.

  10. 2020 was just the year of the rotten brainw wasn't it? I was lucky because I went to a community college that year so I had less restrictions but jfc a lot of people got FUCKED by 2020

  11. Well, all the other tanks now have reload to compensate for their poor armor (sorry ariete, youre not included in this)

  12. Hater at uansett hva man stemmer i dette landet, så koker det ned til AP vs. Høyre likevel. Det er helvetes mye drama og lite fungerende politikk per i dag, men det var ikke stort bedre under forrige regjering heller.

  13. Bro just enjoy the damn game without being a toxic piece of shit. The devs even said that HD2 is NOT a platform for politics.

  14. That’s completely up to the host. They are not required to carry lower level players if they don’t want to.

  15. Believe it or not, pump action ARs and AKs do exist. They're weird and ugly but they are a thing

  16. Poland is a rabid pitbull waiting for NATO to take the leash off. And I'm all here for it.

  17. Laken til under 200 kr er billig, dessverre, min unge venn. Velkommen til voksenlivet, du vil få noen sjokk til før du blir herdet.

  18. Fikk samme sjokket selv. Pluss, man finner faen ikke håndkle til under 200kr heller. Syke ting.

  19. ... Hvordan hjelper dette med saken deres? Konflikten mellom Israel og Hamas er bare en helt horribel konflikt hvor begge sider er så forskrudd at de rett og slett ikke gir katta i sivile liv.

  20. Invest in fire safety, fill the house with fire extinguishers

  21. What about making it equal by giving us more feminine and curvy men, huh???? Truly sad.

  22. The lobbyists control the FDA here, I'm pretty sure.

  23. Not surprising, considering the US is so corrupt already

  24. I hate these two the purple haired one says dumb stuff and the dark haired(usually blonde) one just laughs like an imbecile

  25. I saw this post on another community and jfc the comment section was straight up disgusting. Keep in mind, the characters on the leftmost side (Remilia and Flandre Scarlet from the Touhou series) are pretty much just two kids. Guess where the comment section went.

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