
  1. Suzanne Craig, New York Times: "Trump is struggling to stay awake. His eyes were closed for a short period. He was jolted awake when Todd Blanche, his lawyer, nudged him while sliding a note in front of him."

  2. I’m a 46 yr old dude who hasn’t heard a Taylor swift song since shake it off was everywhere, but someone posted the lyrics down thread and it’s kind of clear she’s shitting on the kind of romanticizing of past eras that folks are criticizing in this thread 

  3. 46 yr old guy here, father of 3, it took me 15 years to fully understand why I was the asshole doing stuff like this - not as extreme as your example but not cutting back on my work commitments during this window- I figured it out by my third kid and it made a big difference 

  4. these fuckers jizz on me when im cycling by sometimes and it looks kind of like that, i swear they do it on purpose

  5. I grew up w my mother being bipolar, she didn’t just have one episode and then was fine, it was every handful of years she would have an episode and be in the hospital for awhile 

  6. I just happened to read this after reading the two Lawrence sterne books and it was just what I wanted 

  7. I mean they are general audience books so not necessarily for some as their profession 

  8. his purchase of twitter and handling of the engineers. i'm an engineer and an have been in leadership almost 15 years and everything he did and everything he said made it clear he had no idea what he was talking about, and was almost the textbook complete opposite of how to handle things

  9. Not familiar w that at all, will have to check it out 

  10. I’ve been reading Italian Journey by Goethe. It’s very accessible and easy to read (apart from having to look up the names of cities and paintings.)

  11. I’ve been waiting to read this when I go to Italy next year 

  12. finished wolf hall and read ovid’s heroides this week, kids were on spring break so I didn’t have to worry about driving them to school so I got to run first thing in the morning every day, went to the metropolitan museum of art last Monday 

  13. Arnold’s encyclopedia of body building - I wish I had read that in my 20s instead of my 40s.  And the top poster is right get outside and work out outside 

  14. Agreed, even a number of presocratics can be interpreted through a shamanic lens - see lattimore’s translation of Parmenides poem 

  15. All great suggestions so far, adding in maybe some language topics.  I’m currently learning Italian and set a goal for myself to be able to read my dual language Dante’s after this year.  Aside from loeb/I tatti/ etc what dual language versions do folks like, online tools to learn Latin etc

  16. I just read that version this past January, I liked it

  17. Now we know those machines are throwing piss particles from the floor all over the place 

  18. I look like the Kelce brothers older Italian cousin but I could listen to Wam!’s wake me up, or really any of their songs, all day everyday 

  19. Did a heroic dose, embraced a bit more spirituality and got back in shape

  20. Everyone in the neighborhood loves to recycle 

  21. Push ups and pull ups each use unique muscles, pull ups are more back so I’m assuming you are talking push ups?  And if you want more bicep/triceps strength the obvious things are curls and dips.

  22. How is it any different than it has been through the Snyder-verse movies?

  23. The irony of this group is that I don’t like sardines

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