
  1. Wouldn't this just be a huge Bloodhound buff? And mean more visual clutter?

  2. God I love this show... Not sure if it's because there's no great historical dramas based in Japan or because of a British navigator assimilating himself in Japanese culture and losing his attachment to the original crew

  3. Highly recommend checking out the book, if you are interested in audio books at all, great narator on audible. It is such a good story, the show does it justice but it gives so much more reasoning to the decisions made by characters.

  4. Don't forget to turn it on? Otherwise it's just regular non-hydrogen water.

  5. Statistics? Hal has been fragging on BH and they won Regional Finals but Zero is the kill leader of NA split 1 and DZ is leading in points.

  6. It's so funny how God controller looks like 007 Golden Eye movement. Like just walking around with your gun out, just looks kinda funny.

  7. All of this is overshadowed by the absolute worst ring 3 and 4 rotates. A lot of rings there is one choke that everyone has to go through and places 3-10 are decided by which team barely survives that mess.

  8. Wraith Tac Cooldown: Level 2 --> Level 3 Ult Cooldown: Level 3 --> Level 2

  9. I feel like he's just more of a zone scanner than an edge scanner. Which less useful overall.

  10. "In a hypothetical world where humans can play without fault the majority of the time"

  11. But pros will still make mistakes, less then average player of course but they still make mistakes since they are only human, on controller the room for the humane mistakes is larger than mnk especial at high lvl where even smallest mistake means a lost game.

  12. Yeah I agree with this, which is why I think that's why controller sets the floor. Floor means you are setting the lowest someone else can compete on, ceiling means the absolute best, peak play. Do you think the best controller player at its absolute peak is better in this game than the best MnK player at their absolute peak? I get what you mean about the translation ie 73 > 77 thing that the numbers aren't equivalent.

  13. It helps. I bought my little homestead in Oregon for less than $1K an acre. It's well treed and remote, adjacent to the National Forest. But it is dry, not ideal for heavy agriculture. I probably spent less than another $1K on the cabin I built, that I am sitting in right now but much of it I milled myself.

  14. Fourth Wing. Has over 177,000 reviews on Amazon with an average 4.8-star rating.

  15. I think this one got me turned off for the writing style, most fantasy books world-build in a different way. Them having to talk about the world in conversation just made the world-building feel so laborious to me.

  16. Actually respecced my ranger to a Great Weapon weilder because of this.

  17. I'd say the obvious reason is that the war in the East we appeared more heroic. Saving all those countries that were invaded and all those in concentration camps. The war in the West we ended with dropping nukes on civilians.

  18. Where is this? It looks like a camp but I'm on my fourth playthrough and still haven't seen this. Looks like Act 3 but Act 3 camp is in the tavern isn't it?

  19. I'll be honest, I think Season 20 does that. Loot was the biggest thing with Olympus having very unbalanced loot pools, and that's essentially equalized with this season.

  20. I mean, its a city. If they didn't make it overwhelming there would be posts about how underwhelming it was when you got to the city.

  21. Pretty sure it looks like a prison, the people hanging out around the wrists, two fire giant look like they are imprisoned in each leg.

  22. That’s weird I had a discount

  23. It's because you already own one, its not "discounted" if it's a bundle.

  24. In game it shows the challenges needed to unlock the legend permanently during the two week window they’re free to play.

  25. I still haven't noticed where these are shown. It just says that they are available when you hover over the legend.

  26. Go to the main challenges page and then select the breakout challenges and you can see all the seer ones as well as the 3 overall challenges you need to complete to get the flatline

  27. And you can't do this in ring, because at an unknown time this turns into OOB basically.

  28. I just watched the first few seconds, but isn't this literally just saying teams that get gatekept are at a disadvantage to the gatekeepers?

  29. Pretty much, but its a coach using TSM as an example to enforce that even good teams can fall to inferior positions I guess. Also being on edge of white circle means you are more forced into a fight.

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