
  1. I am so sorry. My heart just dropped when I read this. Sending you hugs.

  2. I loved my husband’s last name and didn’t like my maiden name, so yep!

  3. Clinical research coordinator, clinical research associate, lab technician, research assistant, protocol monitor, data manager

  4. Day 5 is normal for your milk to come in. And babies are better at extracting than pumping from what I've read. All I "did" was put baby on the boob as much as demanded right from the start, and sometimes that meant cluster feeding for 8-12 hrs which was really hard. I also had nipple pain which made things difficult so it was definitely harder than it sounds, but from a supply perspective that was all I had to do. Skin to skin is also important from what I've read but we didn't really do that after leaving the hospital unless it was hot enough for us both to be naked.

  5. It’s really hard to get any out with the pump. I’d try hand expression starting at 37w if your doctor says it’s cool. Watch some videos, massage, warm towel everything to get it going. At first for a few days I got drops that would dry before even collecting, by the time I delivered I had many 1mil syringes filled! That paired with letting her nurse for 40 minutes when a few days old has now ended up with a bit of an oversupply at 1 month pp

  6. I went my entire pregnancy and labor without a single cervical check. They aren’t necessary and don’t really tell you much, especially that early. Agree with another commenter - your doctor works for you and you shouldn’t worry too much about offending them.

  7. Same. I even asked my doc if she was going to do one, and she said no use really.

  8. Lot to unpack here, but it definitely sounds like more of a relationship issue than an issue with your parents.

  9. Sounds like they were already at least two months behind on rent when august started.

  10. I’m a grant writer and my husband is a project manager in healthcare; both WFH since March 2020. I dropped down to very few hours to be a SAHM.

  11. Any thoughts? Anyone here tried this diet?

  12. Red meat if a huge trigger for a lot of people. I can’t imagine a carnivore diet would help many of us. But I’m glad that guy found his solution.

  13. My motto right now is “if I don’t lose my shit, I win the day”

  14. Several of the trendy/popular girls I went to high school with named their daughters Sawyer. I’ve never heard of a boy with that name in real life.

  15. This is something that would really bug my husband and not bother me one bit!

  16. I made really good money, so I could have afforded childcare, but I chose to stay home and I’m so glad I did. I honestly just love being with my daughter all day and I can’t imagine her being in daycare.

  17. Thank you 😊 daycare is a big worry for me. I've heard too many horror stories with daycare. While I could definitely afford it I don't know if I would forgive myself if something happened

  18. I think 99% of people have good experiences but I would just be an emotional mess and I feel like I’d miss so much of her growing up.

  19. Nah but I CAN be harsh: most people who have kids shouldn’t. Parenting classes should be required for all. Kids don’t choose to be born so if you create them you better do it right.

  20. It sounded like an honest mistake to me…and like the kid was in the pool for a couple seconds before the mom grabbed her. Sure, it was avoidable, but calling it negligence is a bit extreme.

  21. Her description of events says she was away at a table applying sunscreen. I would not have a child with someone who allows a 2 year old in a pool near a deep end without being in arms reach. Perhaps she knows her partner would feel the same.

  22. The fact that my son wants to throw absolutely everything is 98 of my 99 problems, so I feel you.

  23. I feel like the throwing phase and the slapping phase go hand in hand 😩

  24. Used to eat these when I was on Weight Watchers back in the day. The only gross one I didn’t like was something like Shrimp Marinara. All the rest were pretty tasty and filling when paired with a side veggie.

  25. I’d argue that social media is not the same as mom culture. There are plenty of moms not being extra, not posting about it, and not comparing themselves to others. The type of moms who are in mom groups on Facebook are a subcategory.

  26. Treat people well when they are keeping you alive. I got my nurses $5 Starbucks gift cards, not a big deal, and I swear they were so thankful. One of them was dancing around about how she was going to get coffee on her break.

  27. I was in labor 53 hours. It was an induction and it did not go well. I was having contractions the whole time and was monitored and unable to move or eat the entire time. Pushing is not the only part of labor.

  28. Similar time frame for me. I only pushed for an hour but that was at the end of a very long journey!

  29. Honestly so much. But in the first couple months of having a baby, we were definitely more serious. She’s 1 now and she cracks us up, and we crack each other up.

  30. Maybe try thinking about it as decorating a girl’s bedroom instead of decorating it like a nursery.

  31. I wish I knew as well. I was first diagnosed early this year and I still have daily pain, but it’s super duper mild and it’s not actually a flare up. I don’t think I’m meant to be in pain forever, but here we are…my GI dr doesn’t think my pain is actually from DV at this point, but there’s no other leads that I could follow really. I have no other symptoms.

  32. It's scary feeling uncertain! But at least it's mild! When I'm super strict mine is mild too. I hope improvement and maybe even healing some is not just a fantasy! Good Luck!

  33. We stopped using overnight diapers sometime in the first year and it hasn’t been an issue luckily!

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