
  1. I been having similar troubles of people purposely team kill and I don’t mean in fights I mean when we picked up samples.

  2. I'm new her, why would you shot someone that collect samples, are they not shared when exiting ?

  3. Yes but at the end of a mission there are stats and they say who did the most other than that I have no clue other than just being an a**hole.

  4. The only thing i can think of is if they plan to kill/kick you just at the end and they might not get it then.

  5. Google it. first link should be able to tell you. or just enter brand mechanic place and they fix it.

  6. This is the best i can do "Jeg ber deg virkelig om din godhet (velsignelse) og din nåde."

  7. Here we would need a contexts, or google translate could do it.

  8. Jeans and a jacked would be Okey. Live like a Norwegian xD

  9. Så lenge du kommer med godt humør, or husker det er "Blow, Blow, Pass" er det bare og komme ;)

  10. Har du godkjent det ? eller bare åpnet og sett det ?

  11. And you will not get that with a multivitamin - you can't replace good nutrition with a pill. A multivitamin, even a comprehensive one, might have 50 nutrients, not at all in the form and quantity your body gets it from food and not with any of the accompanying nutrients. Actual food has thousands of nutrients. Decades of evidence does not support the notion that "women should be taking an iron supplement" nor that omega 3 supplements (or most others) are broadly beneficial. In some cases, supplementation can be harmful on net.

  12. Nobody says you could not try to get it in you diet, but I'm from a country that half of the population has a vitamin-D deficiency and pills are not a substitute but a addition to you diet when you simply can't get enough trough normal eating.

  13. Because with the amount of players, those lobbies would be popping up and closing fast

  14. "we found it marv lets light a cigarette before we head out":

  15. Fire is not the problem, its the breathing that is 😅

  16. I'm pretty sure being on fire doesn't help a lot. I could be wrong I'm not a fire doctor

  17. Your dead before the fire even comes close to you, the fire is on top, your passed put on the bottom. The fire might extinguish before even comming close to you because lack of oxygen that is also the reason you pass out in seconds.

  18. Det er dog viktig å ikke glemme at til tross for justismordet han ble utsatt for er Viggo Kristiansen fortsatt en innrømmet og dømt seksuell misbruker av barn. Gråter ikke særlig mange tårer for omdømmet til fyren, selv om han selvfølgelig skal få oppreisning for det han ble uskyldig dømt for

  19. Jeg gråter ikke selv over dette, og ja han har blitt dømt for andre ting.

  20. Jeg mener ikke nødvendigvis at hans tidligere dom skal føre til mindre erstatning rent juridisk sett, men at han er en pedofil voldtektsmann er fakta. Det at folk fortsetter å kalle ham dette har ingenting med det han har blitt feilaktig dømt for.

  21. Kan se logikken der, og faktisk litt enig. Men forsjellen mellom den først dommen og den andre er jo media dekkningen da, noe som burde bli tatt med i regne stykket. men en betyderlig reduksjon fra 90mill burde jo komme fra det. Veldig bra argument.

  22. Det er en person som har litt mange bokstaver, og har lagt ut CV'en sin her et par hundre ganger, med mye annet. reddit banner han ganske fort hver gang. Så han har blitt en liten kjendis.

  23. Hei, er det ikke Paal-Erik Thelle-Barbeau på han igjen ;) Savnet deg hakke sett så mange crasy poster i det siste..

  24. But is full time even legally defined in Norway? I came to some results saying that 37.5 hours is full time in Norway, but I’m doing 40 and this has been customary for the position. Are they allowed for example to make me leave a little early some days as long as I get 37.5 hours in the week? 2.5 hours is not that much but it’s still a little over of a 5% pay cut

  25. 37,5 hours are if you are in a union, and most have that. but legally it's 40 hours. what ever job you have they are giving you the bear minimum, just look at your overtime, it's at 40%. the standard is 50% with 100% after a time.

  26. I kick anyone with a open mic, but I do it at the start.

  27. Why can't they change it to "PUSH-TO-TALK", i don't want to have to mute them all the time...

  28. dont be the guy who brings 120 or 380 HE barrage. people will hate you.

  29. I know of one thing you're not allowed to be doing and that is electrical. when it comes to everything else you need to be able to documented everything.

  30. If you look up weapons per person, I think you will find something interesting. Second sweden really struggles with gangs now, and they have weapons and bombs..

  31. Yes, To many migrants, with non western backgrounds.

  32. Some people are just salty human beings. I have been killed on accident so many times, and killed so many people accidentally too. It's just part of the game and if people can't accept that they should really play a different game.

  33. I have 3 kill rule, after killing me 3 times, a grenade might be miss its targe and land around you. (I don't count all deaths equally, some a just mistakes)

  34. Ja fordi det er det vi trenger nå.. mere skatter og avgifter..

  35. Er mye jeg kan klage på han for. men at han får et påske-egg er vel ikke akkurat nyheter selv om det var litt alkohol i det. Synes foresten at vi kunne åpnet litt opp om alkohol loven rundt reklame til en vis grad.

  36. Better get it fast before it sells out

  37. Det hatet mot hvite menn finner man veldig mye idag i tredje generasjon feminister, og black life matter. Kan sikkert være noen som har blitt smittet av dem.

  38. Jeg skal ikke late som om jeg har noen magisk fiks til deg, men har du prøvd å reise ut i verden i det siste?

  39. Om man skal reise alene, spesielt i den mental tilstanden der. Må man bestille riktig reise, f.eks en reise med dykkerkurs og dykk i en uke på Gili.T i Indonesia masse folk som gjør akkurat det samme. Eller noe annen aktiviteter som er planlagt på forhånd. Så man føler seg inkludert i noe og ikke like deprimert bare i et varmere strøk.

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