
  1. Omg, when i open reddit the first post that i see is the same problem that is happening right in front of me rn lol

  2. I got confused when i looked up the issue and saw comments from only a couple hours ago

  3. The fuck Is with every green text retards sudden idea to "stop masturbating"

  4. You would think it would at least go walking speed. Or somewhere in between.

  5. Or have some kind of speed control so it could be changed depending on the person using it

  6. I live in the country, dirt roads. Everytime County would grade the road they would pull the line up or it would get cut in some way. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. This year we had a lot more rain than usual and the line to the house gradually migrated to the surface in our driveway. Not one person knew what to do or just didn't want to deal with it. I ended up having county drop dirt by the driveway just to cover it back up myself. It's ridiculous these people don't have some kind of game plan for shit like this. 🙄

  7. Where I live, utility companies don't care about these wires, it's cheaper for them to replace it then to have a utility locator mark it. Your provider would be the one to call to get it buried, but in my experience that could be months of waiting

  8. That’s good to here, I was worried you’d have to pay a ton to fix it

  9. If it's the wire that provides internet to your house, the provider owns the cable and will fix it. Also assuming it's not fiber, these cables are incredibly cheap

  10. I'm annoyed at how hard they're pressing the pen into the page

  11. It’s so strange to see everyone commenting about the individual bags of chips (crisps).

  12. I guess that since it is my own post I may as well, make my own comment. Personally, I never really believed in dating apps. After all, for a dating app actually helping its users equal a lost in profit. But I am kinda desperate. I don’t meet a lot of new people and all the people I do meet IRL (or that I already know) are not generally good people or uninteresting romantically speaking for me. Sadly and predictably, it is the same on these predatory apps.

  13. You don't need a relationship to be happy. If you're depressed you should really work on that before getting into a relationship

  14. Ya, they'll wait to get enough users then do the same thing and charge a subscription for everything

  15. Is there a similar physical explanation for the "death rally" some people experience before dying? A mass energy release before the end?

  16. That's a good one too. I've heard many stories of old people suddenly full of energy and seem healthy and good, just to die the next day

  17. The economy does suck and the the deck is stacked against us but most of us do indeed have money management issues especially when it comes to eating out, Starbucks and other small items. We don't realize how much these purchases add up.

  18. I put everything on my credit card, and am always surprised at how much i spend in a month. Like how tf did i spend that much

  19. So you have to scroll past 5 more ads before seeing the recipe

  20. It may be safe, but I read about a woman who got her baby taken away because the everything bagel she had before going into labor made her test positive for opiates. I refuse to eat them because I don’t want to fail a drug test.

  21. You just claim the code from your twitch prime then enter it, it's not that big of a deal.

  22. Yes but it's not a free game, just a free copy of one

  23. You don't need gamepass for the free code on twitch. You just need an xbox live subscription since it's online only. And if you use the pc code, you dont need anything

  24. yup explore my profile at you own risk

  25. I didn't find anything bad. Just a lot of requests to borrow money

  26. Does porn not show up on your feed either way? Like with tiktok,facebook,instagram if i watch something spicy my feed will be filled with it to the point where i cant open it in public

  27. Meanwhile this girl probably spends more time scrolling through social media

  28. Anyone who censored the word "games", I think in the name of everyone: FUCK YOU!

  29. Tbh it is not just a light fingering. We had a girl come in unsure if she lost her tampon and had to get q speculum while the doctor used metal graspers to try and find the string. Good amount of blood in the room afterwards as well

  30. They likely get shutdown frequently so they just make thousands of them. It's easy to copy and paste code for a website

  31. Most states won't even apprehend the ones that don't download anything though. It's fucked up

  32. You can do whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean you should shoot at 5 people who have their guns drawn on you, while wearing marked police vests, who got out of a vehicle with a light bar activated.

  33. Honestly a fair point. If he was getting robbed, that's still a stupid ass decision to shoot at them

  34. As long as you're not leaving them outside for too long and the weather is decent, i don't see a problem with it

  35. Seems counterintuitive, but a traditional razor’s much safer.

  36. Wouldn't it be easier to use nair cream? Maybe more expensive but smooth nuts with no risk of cutting yourself at all

  37. You can see them climbing up at the end, and I'd be surprised if no one tried to help, at least after the shock of what happened wore off

  38. You didnt see the two heads bobbing out of the water at the end?

  39. Maybe you're just around it to much. I've never met any weed that didn't smell like skunk, and I'm from western California

  40. Fresh weed smells like skunk to me, but burnt weed smells different

  41. People are just beginning to wake up. Sometimes it takes a while. There are certain thresholds that have to be crossed because this stuff happens incrementally. Also, I used to find it funny when I worked at restaurants that it was only the broke college kids and old people who complained about prices regularly. Everyone else would just pay.

  42. Supply and demand though, nevermind inflation. They can charge whatever price they want. It's up to the customer to decide whether the price is what they're willing to pay

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