
  1. They don’t necessarily hate America, but they are gullible and stupid.

  2. I hear ya, my boy will be 2 next month

  3. The last time a got a scammer like this I sent them horrible gore pictures until they blocked me. I highly recommend that method instead of explaining why their scam is obvious.

  4. I think the line is meant to refer to the high profile racial shooting incidents that happened during his presidency like Mike Brown and Treyvon Matrin, and how Obama supposedly made them worse? I have yet to hear an explanation on how he made them worse though.

  5. Obviously this is a joke but a bet 1: a philster enigma under a gi would work okay and 2: if you tie your belt tight enough you could probably run a owb holster if you match the width, but it will ride comically high

  6. Her name better be something like "Muddy"

  7. I would definitely cancel that visit

  8. I enjoyed my time with the Lcp max, it’s definitely good as far as 380s go, but I eventually swapped it for a 9mm 365 and I’m much happier

  9. The SLs in general were meh. I was very indifferent to most.

  10. Yeah, Maiko and the sick dude are okay but most of them are meh. All the confidants in P5 hooked me and wanted to see more, p3 not so much

  11. Who sells this? You can't just post this and not link who sells it

  12. Elden ring runs flawlessly at medium settings

  13. I think persona 3 reload and elden ring are the last big release I remember getting excited about. Most AAA releases are just noise.

  14. I love cute puppies but dear god I don't miss those needle teeth

  15. I guess I don't get why this happened, is it because it's only 2k?

  16. Love actual justice warrior

  17. I want to get to the point that I can do this. I know Dave Ramsey gets a lot of shit on Reddit (not sure if he does from this sub), but I love his principle of giving to others after you’re taken care of. My brother is low income because he works a bit over minimum wage and his wife has had crippling anxiety for years and can’t do much outside the house. I can’t guarantee he wouldn’t waste it but screw it, that’s his choice.

  18. It’s hard to take him seriously when he shits on using reward-based credit card schemes for consistent spending

  19. Yeah and he definitely deserves some of the shit he gets, but I think overall he's good

  20. Hot Ones already posted some b-roll on their Instagram earlier today.

  21. I don't know how the camera people could sit there and not laugh their asses off the whole time, kudos to them 😂

  22. Dustin will get beat worse by Islam, calling it now.

  23. Decks come in all shapes and sizes. Don’t be ashamed if yours is on the small side.

  24. And a lot of women say a really big deck isn’t ideal. Don’t get self-conscious OP

  25. This is a terrible guide 😂

  26. But then when Walgreens locks this stuff or closes the store all we'll hear is "muh corporate greed"

  27. I've been training since 2018, my parents still think I do karate

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