
  1. He pulls out his beware advantage idol. Flashback to him finding it and reading out the instructions:

  2. put our lord and savior Bonnie at #1 💪🏻

  3. I’d love to get a different hypercharge since I already have shelly’s, it was the first one I pulled

  4. He was shut out. Michele got 5 votes (Debbie, Scot, Julia, Jason, Cydney), Aubry got 2 votes (Nick, Joe), Tai got 0.

  5. I think they meant the final immunity challenge, not final tribal council. I think Aubry was 2nd in the challenge too though, so the same result applies!

  6. Just watched it, Tai was seconds behind Michelle

  7. Bruh, SJDS and Second Chance were bad in your eyes?

  8. Mario Kart Wii. Most people haven’t played the game in years, let alone at all.

  9. Frost my beloved god bless the 9mm c1

  10. I haven’t been playing for that long. Larry and Lawrie on release sucked to play against so much man

  11. I found I do the best with her on Basketbrawl. But maybe i’m just better at Basketbrawl then other modes

  12. For what it’s worth, I got like a dozen star players in a row yesterday on Basket Fort. It’s really easy to just sit and pick lanes

  13. is this real bcuz i’d actually use it on him

  14. The winky face that Bots do whenever i’m about to get killed

  15. enjoy it man. i’d do anything to play this for the first time again

  16. Africa? Outside of the beans? seems relatively fine?

  17. https://www.reddit.com/r/JackyGang2/s/A70KxkjAig

  18. Simisage too low he’s Excadrill tier

  19. I’m happy they kept the 1.5 scope as a 2.5 one, it was always the easiest scope for me to shoot with not bc of the zoom but like the whatever you call it red dot

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