
  1. And ligga also means to fuck. "Jag låg med henne" "i slept with her" also the noun "ett ligg" means a casual hook up.

  2. En heter ju bokstavligen "dog"  kanske en varning för vad som händer om man käkar för mkt max

  3. Yes, just mention him in your dating profile. I've been on many dates discussing him 

  4. How is gambling more accepted than porn or sex between teenagers?

  5. Jag väntar tålmodigt på den sanna språrvagnshuvudstaden ska avbildas (Norrköping)

  6. Får man ens säga "har mitt liv ihop"? Är det inte bara en rak översättning från engelskan?

  7. Många "ursvenska" uttryck är bara direkt-översättningar av tyska, så att använda direkt-översättningar från engelska ser jag bara som något berikande. Mycket bättre än att bara skriva "jag har my life together och..." 

  8. Mcmurdo dry valleys in antarctica is the closest landscape we have to mars, scientists use it to study how life can survive in extreme conditions

  9. Hela grejen med African American är att de historiskt sett har brist på band och identitet till sina ursprungsländer pga den transatlantiska slavhandeln samt kulturellt förtryck, och därför den identiteten just kallas för African American instället för typ Angolan American eller whatever deras förfäder faktiskt var ifrån

  10. Fast när slavhandeln bedrevs fanns väl inte ens grunden till dagens Afrikanska stadsbildningar som endast är en produkt av europeisk kolonisering.

  11. 229kr är ju typ 10 Arboga 10,2. vilket slöseri att lägga på frukt.

  12. Well the wild west is popular all over the world due to American cultural imperialism

  13. For me, who was born and lived for many years beyond the Urals, Asia sounds like a community of countries in the south to which my country does not belong. Locals call the Asian part of Russia, where they live, Siberia and perceive themselves as Siberians. Residents of Asia - I've never heard of it. And for many years before the war, Siberia had much more cultural and commercial ties with European countries than with Asian ones. Among other things, in Siberia it is quite common to compare oneself with the new world, with the wild west of the USA - with some such concepts. But only the USA freed itself from the subordination of the former metropolis, and the Siberians did not. And the local Siberian identity there is quite strong, and the perception of Moscow as a colonialist is also quite common. And this is precisely among the ethnically Russian population.

  14. I mean yeah, the colonization of Siberia, the Americans, Australia, and south Africa are just symptoms of the same phenomenon: European powers looking for new lands to exploit and settle through superior technology during the 16th to 19th centuries.

  15. Sounds almost like the average German family reunion

  16. Well the average white American is more German than British. Genetically at least.

  17. Where is my oppressor mk2, am I literally forced to use a horse on the ground and old pistols, takes too much time and boring 😭😭🙄

  18. I'm a 22 year old guy tired of university and my family. Currently looking for a job to keep me from being homeless. Mosly getting high/drunk while listening to Elliott Smith when life feels too tough.

  19. Vinterdepression och elliot smith går fan hand i hand haha

  20. Jepp, jag gick upp ögonen för honom nu i oktober och har typ bara lyssnad på Elliott hela vintern, vette fan vad jag hade lyssnat på annars.

  21. i really hope the rest of the lines will also have "fuck" in them

  22. Look at china. CCP desperately begs them to have more kids, but people don't give a shit.

  23. Well it's the CCP:s own fault due to having that one child policy for decades

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