
  1. Walking guy. He used to walk mostly on K but I would see him all over the West Side. Thin white guy with a beard, wore flannel shirts and jeans. Always walked at a quick pace.

  2. Now I know where my most Christian coworker got the idea to wear a midi dress with leggings and heels.

  3. I wondered to myself, 'when did she turn fundie?' Those outfits look very "modest".

  4. This reminds me of a youth pastor I had talking about evolution. He was talking about eyes, "if we evolved, how did the eyes know to go to the front of the head?" Well, Steve if we had evolved differently you would be asking how our eyes knew to go to the side of our head.

  5. I would love to own an overstuffed used bookstore. I worked in retail bookstores for years and I miss it (RIP Waldenbooks).

  6. Like the time he said that people on the coast of Florida could just sell their property when the sea level started to rise. He had to walk that one back.

  7. Well, to quote Depeche Mode, "I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, but I think that God has a sick sense of humour."

  8. "Almost Human" is probably the closest thing.

  9. Gone too soon! I wanted to know what was on the other side of the wall!

  10. I still remember working at the cable company that day in the phones (inbound support calls back when local franchises had people in the office), and one guy says, “hey, turn to cnn, some idiot somehow flew into the World Trade Center.” We were trying to figure out how a Cessna made such a big hole when the second plane hit.

  11. A friend left a message on my machine, "Dude, we're going to war!". 'Who did we bomb now?' I thought as I turned on CNN. . .

  12. The next guy *will* be worse. That's all they have these days.

  13. They bring me so much joy. One of my raccoons has her own subreddit,

  14. I have squirrels and assorted birbs that I feed at home and crows and blackbirds that I feed at work. The people at work laugh at me because I have unsalted peanuts (not in the shell) and kitten chow in my car. I even have some cracked corn for the mallards that show up occasionally.

  15. Hell I”m a Gen X’er and I do as well. I would not consider this video accurate ha ha.

  16. I've seen a bunch of this guy's videos and it seems like all of the Gen X'ers he knows are the kind that would have stormed the Capital.

  17. Why does he look happier here than in any of his pictures with JLo?

  18. May I ask what did she do other than stealing her now husband from another woman? Genuine question as am too young to know probably and very curious.

  19. For me it started when she left Kiefer Sutherland just a couple of days before their wedding to hook up with his friend Jason Patrick.

  20. I think about this when people say tik tok in china is different because they show people doing science and shit. In America we call intelligent people nerds and have no wish to see their achievements. We get what we want.

  21. This was the case even on Friends. Ross had a Phd. and taught at a prestigious university, but his best friends and his sister made fun of him.

  22. I doubt any of them have touched an actual woman.

  23. My first thought was that they all looked a little date rapey.

  24. Slamming the phone down on the receiver after a particularly heated phone call.

  25. And then having to bang on the phone in a certain way when it stopped working.

  26. My dad kept them on the back of the toilet in his bathroom.

  27. Yes! My grandma had a tin full and I would play with them for hours as a small child.

  28. Thank you for this memory. This was my living room in the 70s! We had a giant amber colored table lighter as well. Basically a cigarette lighter used as decor!

  29. My grandmother collected those smoking sets: lighter, ashtray, and a holder for cigarettes that looked kind of like a candy dish. She owned a second hand store and therefor went to a lot of garage sales.

  30. I’m shocked nothing like that got passed during covid honestly. Shit was getting sooo bad in some places. Pretty sure at least one person (I believe a store security guard) somewhere died because of a raging anti masker. We basically put minimum wage workers in charge of maintaining order and civility during an intense global crisis at the expense of their own health and safety with no extra pay and a lot of the time no backup when things got abusive. I think in the chaos of trying to keep the world running we haven’t given that nearly enough recognition.

  31. Yes, it was a security guard at a Dollar General/Dollar Tree type of place. He was an older guy, too. Crappy job to die over. Poor guy.

  32. Even literally with the montage of Elanor thwarting each and every reset of the experiment!

  33. Jason figured it out? Jason? This is a real low point.

  34. Yep. they gotta sit, and I go ahead and add about two spoons of real, white, pure sugar right out of the bag. soooooo delicious.

  35. Yep, put sugar in and then put the bowl into the fridge and go about your business. Come back in 5 or 10 minutes to cold, sweet, soft Grape Nuts.

  36. It makes me irrationally angry. That stove/oven just hanging out in the middle of the island…straight to jail!

  37. Oh God, me too! My first thought was, "I hope this takes forever to sell and that every potential buyer sites the kitchen layout as the reason they passed."

  38. You feel very sure of yourself in your beliefs but when you are older, there will be at least one thing you look back at and cringe so hard.

  39. There's a reason that all us old folk are SOOO glad that we didn't have social media when we were young.

  40. I wouldn't hold your breath on the least of us human beings ever getting on board with fighting (or even believing in) Climate Change.... Here in Canada we have a ton of people who flat out think it's all a Liberal hoax. I think Climate Change will render parts of the world uninhabitable eventually and there'd still be people railing against it being serious.

  41. We are already starting to see climate refugees. As the climate worsens, the furor we are already seeing about immigration will only get more intense.

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