
  1. I got on my hard drive password protected maps of each ex girlfriend containing pictures and letters/songs (That i wrote). Its the memorries and they are private

  2. Seriously. I'd even listen to something like Yoko Ono or other "songs" that could hardly be described as music. I'd listen to Vogon poetry, 24 hours a day for a week if it meant getting $500K.

  3. You wouldnt survive 24 hours of Vogon poetry... noone would

  4. I actually wouldnt remove that, as the world would be a wild place where noone would be embarrased for their misdoings... wouldnt be nice

  5. Pa jebo vas ja sve, kako mislite sa svojim partnerima biti u vezi do kraja života ako se bojite zajedničkog života?

  6. Slazem se, jedino znas ako probas takav suzivot. Nekolicina prijatelja se preselilo tako na pocetku studija, em da ustedi em da budu blizi djevojci (jer bi ionako stalno bili jedan kod drugoga). Skoro svi su prekinuli u meduvremenu, jer su se osamostalili od roditelja ali nisu zivjeli sami i bilo dosta rasprava laganih udaljavanja sta je na kraju rezultiralo prekidom i svako je isao na svoju stranu istrazivati svoju slobodu... Ali svako ima drugaciju situaciju, ja bih mozda radije pricekao godinu dana da vidim kako ce se stvari razvijati, velike su promjene u toj dobi.

  7. Pa ako mislis da ste spremni zasto ne, osamostaljenje u paru moze biti zanimljivo a opet moze vam pokazati koliko ste zapravo kompatibilni u suzivotu.

  8. You will notice it from the crowd, moshpit and other activities are present all the time, dont worry about it, just enjoy the show.

  9. Ma cini se u redu, mozda zna vise o proizvodu pa ne propitkuje puno. Pouzecem je tako da ga ne moze podignuti dok ne plati sto ne koriste scameri

  10. You don’t use a waterproof blanket or sheet under you during, and then just pull it off when you’re done so you can go to sleep right away? Yuck.

  11. No, I got paper roll for bed sheats, like in hospital

  12. Imas na zeljeznickom kolodvoru lockere

  13. Implants of any kind and feet used in sexual ways...

  14. I like when someone asks me or tells me something say repeat or answer but to change the subject word in something very similar in sound but different in meaning like i misheared... idk why I like it, but my gf and sister dont like it hehe

  15. I dont have any actual examples that happened and its different in my language, but lets say my sister says to me: "hey can you go buy some flour" and I respond :"what kind of a flower?" - but I knew what she meant

  16. Dolphins sometimes like to decapitate other fish and masterbate with their heads for fun.

  17. True, they like harrasing blowfish so it leaks its poison which can kill them, but they know how to dose it so they just get high

  18. If I was shoplifting than it needs to be something small... I would choose ashtrays, and animal figures (glass/metal/ceramic). Im also atracted to old tools and things that I dont know what are.

  19. Its hard but you need to accept things you cannot change. Keep your mind occupied, try dating, you will find someone that fits you.

  20. Nice story, really liked it, you got a nice imagination

  21. Its the hot water that makes the need to pee... i dont usually, I pee before getting in the shower... but it happens sometimes, but it is aimed directly to the drain hole

  22. There is another problem with old system, I now have few pokemons in gyms for few months now because there isnt much pokemon go players in that area, so this would me endless coins for me

  23. Ne velim da je standard i da tako svugdje treba biti, al žena i ja uredno imamo pristup svim mobovima, kompovima, svim akauntima, znamo si sve pinove, lozinke i tditd. Moj mob i mzaba se otključavaju i sa mojim i sa njenim otiskom prsta, i obratno 🤷🏼‍♂️

  24. A dobro ali jedno je ozenjeni par a drugo mlada veza...

  25. We have 3 ragdolls... female is screaming all night when she wants to mate, male is anoying during the day when he wants attention but I wouldnt say it anoying... 3rd one make almost no sounds, but we will see when the puberty hits him

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