
  1. You're letting too much light escape. Pinch your nose and close your mouth when you stare at it

  2. Every Sunday i have to go to another office. Every week we get a speech that the carriers are complaining we don’t get gas. I then walk out to any random truck and its 1/8 tank. I have to drive across town to deliver so i end up having to get gas right away and gas up again on the return trip. Pisses me off every week lol

  3. I got real good with only putting enough gas in so when I was done, the gas was about the same level as I found it.


  5. Not sure which Morty it was, but the Ricks had a convo that went like this:

  6. My black and white mini Rex has a brown spot behind her ears. Kinda like yours

  7. He's got some new feathers coming in. Called pin feathers. Bathe your lil bird as that will help the sheath that's surrounding the feathers come off.

  8. Called eye pinning. Something has their attention. Could be positive, or it could be a warning. Each bird is different.

  9. Football team not only sounded Clean and unique, it had just a tiny bit of pettiness I kinda liked. "Fine if we can't call our team what we want we'll call it football team"

  10. Or maybe it was Alan Rails' half-man, half tumescent penis gettin lubed by the jizz of a million ants

  11. I'm sure Barbados Slim puts it down the day or two he gets to fill in after Hermes messes up

  12. You have to finish CHIMPS in Co-op. They don't show single player medals

  13. Rick's one was blue and morty's yellow, and they weren't taken from the same place either

  14. I like this concept tho.. Maybe they're old "master resets" that change over the years to keep everything together.

  15. hmm maybe those are memories that morty removed himself? thats a far stretch but maybe. it is highly unlikely though as who knows if morty even knows of the device or how to utilize it. looking it up, google (ik not the most reliable) says the yellow ones are memories when morty outsmarts rick and rick removes them to maintain being the smarter one always

  16. I believe the censoring was the joke that they're even more explicit than all genitals.

  17. Like Amy Wong's (Futurama) tattoo that can't be seen on low definition screens.

  18. There is no drinkable lead in Stanley cups. It is used to seal the inside of the bottom of the cup, a part of the cup you never come in contact with unless you fully dismantle the cup yourself (which would be stupid to do). This type of sealing is common in many of these type of cups. Y’all have got to stop getting your news from TikTok and doing no further research.

  19. Actor is Cole Hauser. Character is Rip Wheeler from "Yellowstone" TV show.

  20. Oh wow! Did they do any binkies or just sulk in the cold? Lol... They look a lil grumpy to me

  21. My void loved it but my lionhead HATED it lmao. She was so glad when we picked her up and took her inside. I think her fur is thinner compared to my void though.

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