
  1. I agree a healer can have a lot more control than people think. I heal and have just spent all morning teaching a group who has never done these dungeons before. I ping pulls and directions and explain as we go and we're blasting through keys no problem. Someone doesn't get how to send the chain through the boss in neltharus? Np. I keep us alive while I explain what to do. Next try we have no problemo.

  2. I saw this on the news and although I felt bad for the family, their attempts to make this the responsibility of the Canadian government was annoying.

  3. All that money sent to other people than Canadians, is a pretty good divider.

  4. It’s horrendous. They’ve seen all the comments prior to rolling it out globally and still did nothing. They’re banking on people just getting over it in a weeks time.

  5. I love how they tried to hype it up too, as something amazing

  6. Maybe he didn't want to waste everyone's time after watching how ass we've been playing.

  7. He has his tee time booked for next week, need to wrap this up

  8. Even on completely obvious stuff like that gross Harden leg kick that earned him 3 free throws in the first half

  9. Well that makes it pretty simple then, tell him to kick rocks and read the lease. Do not let him take advantage of you

  10. I’d talk to him and get a discount, three floors? 30% two floors 50%

  11. I’m interested in getting one of these 2 in 1s when our current set goes. You’re happy with it? How long does a full load take to wash and dry?

  12. Used an older one, so the tech might be better, but it took like 3 hours for a full cycle.

  13. Holy Priest has the lowest button bloat but is also mind numbing.

  14. Coming off a HP back in the day, it’s boring. PoM, renew, heal.

  15. Hardcore brought me back but I haven’t started it yet. Gave retail a try first and loved it.

  16. I really only play com day and raid days since the remote pass change. I don’t care about the look that much but it’s just bad update after bad update. When they going to do something right?

  17. On my resto druid I really only have 2, flourish and convoke. Change out convoke for tree of life and add tranquility, and that's the raid build.

  18. Second the Druid, it’s more effort but I fine healing really easy expect for a boss here and there

  19. Yeah you think I'd still be framing if I could fucking read wise guy

  20. Telling people you are alpha disqualifies you from being one.

  21. That’s why I keep my boot camp to my self. I was so scared but now I’m alpha. Can’t wait for my house wife to make me a sandwich

  22. Hey so I have been away from wow for about 10 years (pandora) a friend of mine wants to jump back in and play wow classic how would I get stared as I know there has been a lot of changes ? Where do o start? How much time do I have to devote to the game ? I have 2 very young kids and may get about a 7hours a week to play.

  23. Classic is the same, it’s likely closer to vanilla than what you played last.

  24. Eh I've had seasons where I've had every tank and several dps/healers. I get title but I started to feel it was wasted. S2 of df I only had 3 toons and felt fine. Focus on a meta tank if want to go high level otherwise play anything and casually keep whatever meta geared.

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