
  1. goddamn when the did vaush start spitting bars like that 🗣️

  2. The cruelty squad vid dropped right when I picked up the game. I dropped it figuring it was hilarious but dog shit like a couple days prior. It's Funny to know that civvie came to the exact same conclusion when he first found it

  3. I forgot which episode but one time the cameras zoomed in on a spider with a smoke in its web and I thought that shit was so funny

  4. Yeah this renovation is gonna be lame. Chances are this park is just gonna be a featureless concrete slab with a little playground and no shade.

  5. Ride would fold Peggy into nothin for nothin

  6. when Joe was dressed like a baby and had to fight that sumo champion. He actually got his ass kicked

  7. Way too much sunlight dumbass. Your grails are probably puddy rn. You fool

  8. Honestly hard to answer. Lifeseeker's self titled album has a similar irreverent vibe to it.

  9. Pressure head is prolly my fav from this. good work ✅✅✅✅✅

  10. Raku Sushi, it's very good and all you can eat

  11. Fr the cultist, fanatic, and plague eater designs are amazing

  12. No there's been awkward, poor taste jokes throughout the whole series wym

  13. HM1 did environmental storytelling better and had more entertaining twists in its levels (getting jumped by the van, biker's first appearance, the police raiding the building mid level).

  14. Well get ready then buddy, cos I'm about to show you the white hot cream of an eighth grade boy.

  15. Their class literally reads like Ass Kickers United

  16. I didn't see a fighter but last night I saw a large drone

  17. OP's deleted :( is this guy who I think he is ?

  18. It's like down the street from me. Speaking from experience you'll get used to the noise

  19. Yes. I grew up near trains. I love the sound. It's peaceful to me.

  20. ikr! Hearing it echo throughout the night is kinda relaxing

  21. literally turning his ass into Hamburger Lady there's no crueler fate

  22. You telling me that Genie Joe wasn't funny?

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