
  1. If they don’t care about breaking the law WITH the gun, they don’t care about breaking the law to get the gun.

  2. I’m scared tbh. Had maybe 4 or 5 people ask since January but i’m just too afraid of commitment. That, and I don’t think the right person has asked yet.

  3. Glad to know I wasn’t the only one who thought this was Fallout related.

  4. I had Wicked confiscated from me in 6th grade. So I'd imagine they'd just take the book until the end of the day/a parent gets it.

  5. I was legitimately reading it, but was caught giggling with my friend at some inappropriate parts. Teacher saw, took the book, I was called in by one of the administrators who explained why the book isn't appropriate and not to bring it back.

  6. As if 6th graders aren’t giggling about a million other little inappropriate things on the daily

  7. If you fail gym you dont graduate. As simple as that. You’ll likely have to take two gym classes next year to make up for it. Talk with your teacher if you think your grades are unfair, if not then try harder.

  8. Neither do I, it’s not transphobic. Just preference.

  9. The second “word” in this is redundant in the way you’re trying to shorten it. “Why use many word when few do trick” would be more logical

  10. They deserve the same rights as straight people but tbh pride month is kind of dumb. As a gay person, we aren’t special. I don’t necessarily agree with the ideas of other members of the community who say pride is important. That’s just my opinion though.

  11. Beetlejuice, I did like the movie, but the musical brought an entire new light to it.

  12. As far as constructive criticism goes: Propaganda typically is short and sweet, something long doesn’t capture attention. Nobody will be bothered to read a long paragraph.

  13. I personally don’t believe in religion but your views are based

  14. Apparently the court order doesn’t say that though, which the school can’t control. It’s up to a judge.

  15. The post said the court order said he shouldn’t be on the same grounds? Also, as someone who lives in a very rural area, 3 hours is quite extreme. The chances Op lives in such a rural area are quite slim, unless they’ve specified otherwise in the comments somewhere and I haven’t seen it.

  16. Apparently the accused is in a special Ed program for the deaf that is not offered at other schools. So, yeah, a transfer isn’t gonna happen. Now they’re not just dealing bc with general education rights, but it’s federal law - IDEA and ADA.

  17. Maybe, but probably not. Why would I want to go to heaven anyways. An eternal life worshipping a man who would’ve wanted me to suffer otherwise. The Christian God is so ironic it’s kind of funny.

  18. Judging others because of their beliefs is cringe. You literally just insulted more than half of the world lol. Jews, Christians, Buddhists, etc... Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one but nobody wants to see yours

  19. I don’t care if people believe in religion, it’s when religion comes into politics I don’t agree with. Believe what you want but you need no place in government based on what you think happens after you die. Plus, I really could care less if I insult over half the world by saying it. Someone’s going to regardless. Also, the bowls on your profile are sick af.

  20. Love this show--it's so funny and has a lot of good featured roles. I would give my eyeteeth to play Queen Aggravain!

  21. I think it’ll be more fun to preform than to watch, but we did Into The Woods last year and I LOVED it so I feel like Once Upon a Mattress just makes me long for something more in every aspect. It just doesn’t live up to Into The Woods in my opinion

  22. IMO nothing lives up to Into the Woods except maybe Guys and Dolls. 😉

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