
  1. We're reaching levels of online that are hitherto unseen!

  2. You have what people in the meatspace call a very internet mindset

  3. Can’t see if the tail’s wagging without video. Could be a dog.

  4. To some people getting shit or piss on you is the way to win the shit fight

  5. What does SOTN stand for? Tryna find more games in this Genre. Never heard of any of these!

  6. Canadian indie music be like “I want to make an album aboot every province but am currently trapped indoors by a rutting moose, which has taken up residence in my yard”

  7. Every song is a cover of wonder wall except it’s a woman singing like Bauhaus and there’s 400% reverb

  8. RIP Curt. He would’ve driven a Subaru and refused to use the Wawa bathroom like I do

  9. Oh yeah then why are you named after one of the worst human trafficking cities in the US there chum

  10. I searched but I can’t find any article reporting on her saying this. Do you have a link?

  11. I bet you’re a very level and pleasant person to interact with who totally doesn’t seem to have a mountain sized chip on his shoulder

  12. keep it to yourself, i'm not angry in any way.

  13. My last experience the interior of my closet became a huge pile of bones covered by a black blanket. It was the deepest darkest black I’ve ever seen. The blanket would open in sections showing me skulls and other bones. It beckoned for me to let it in or commune but I was too intimidated.

  14. I totally understand the letter but it is problematic because it implies every customer is dirty and unsanitary. Compared to any store, it's only right maybe 25% of the time

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