
  1. Instead of replying to everyone, just an fyi, this is the ADA guidelines:

  2. Muh Ada.but seriously that’s talking about building / workspaces I’d think offering a car ride is different.

  3. I’m not worried about my clients dying of Covid, I own a house, my job is going great, so yes for me it’s better. But the reality is, this isn’t how presidencies work with interactions in our lives.

  4. Nah, those weren't 50 meters, and still, is too close to break under the snow.

  5. I mean probably should have slowed when the traffic slowed…

  6. It is quite difficult since it is not the seiving in dry conditions, i inderstand what you say, but with snow, I have to dissagree with you, there wasn't space noe time to apply breakes without sliding.

  7. I drive in the snow a lot, if traffic around me is slowing, and braking on the highway, I’d start slowing down because something is happening. Traffic on the right started breaking.

  8. I love the one person in the comments who's like "this is why you dont move in before you're engaged" as if that would have solved anything

  9. People can’t be awful to each other if they’re dating and not living together, and they won’t be awful after getting engaged.

  10. For everyone saying I should dump him… I am 2 months pregnant with his child

  11. Cool, he’s not going to be helpful in raising a kid. You’ll just be raising him too.

  12. This isn’t really a question? This is also a weird fetishization of Japanese culture.

  13. Rewatch the video.  Both parties turned into the shared turn lane and fucked each other. The other party actually went into traffic to avoid and. Let the cam driver go forward. Was a case of two dicks and no chicks. 

  14. I work with people who are homeless, none of them can safely store a gun, law or not. Their items are stolen regularly or thrown out by police.

  15. If you have dangerously low O2, you don’t just get sent home until it maintains above a certain level.

  16. Because those neighbors also were influenced by parents and by Natalia saying g she was an adult because she was coached.

  17. How well can 9 year olds be coached into the activities of living on their own.. not the casual meeting of someone at a park and saying "im 22 years old".

  18. She couldn’t do those activities well, she often had dirty clothes, odd behaviors, the Barnetts brought over food, she went unbathed, it sounds like Michael came over quite a bit to help with things.

  19. Coming from a guy with a high sex drive….expecting sex every day from my significant other seems unreasonable

  20. Kids are dumb, their brains aren’t developed. That’s part of just being a kid. That’s part of why there are stop signs for the busses

  21. I’d say the stop sign is more so the bus doesn’t have to wait for a break in traffic for kids to get on. Can’t have the bus being late for school every day.

  22. A ‘hit and run’ is a crime when there is a ‘serious injury or death’. This accident is in the league of a fender bender and no one would ever be charged with a crime for failing to ‘leave a note’. You may be the dispatcher but you’re no prosecutor.

  23. You’re not either, you just got that from the first google result not legal code.

  24. I still am not seeing a reason for a dead stop. The car was moving. Albeit slowly. And any traffic in front of it was also moving. Then the car comes to a dead stop for no reason other than to confront the guy in the Jeep.

  25. I mean he couldn’t since he was charged and the courts found him culpable

  26. Maniac? The guy was approaching him, and there was no clear damage done. You have such little information beyond guy recording is out of his car in the middle of the road, which I would say points to road rage, as anyone hit would pull over out of traffic, instead of being overly emotional.


  28. I will say: I don’t think he hates gay people. Him and Elton John are close friends. I think he just likes shock value. But it’s still shitty

  29. He still spread a lot of homophobia and misogyny, even for shock value, and I do think he has grown a bit, but his lyrics were harmful.

  30. Both things can be true simultaneously - her friend being an AH (which she is being, if what OOP is saying is true, and IDK why she should lie if she's wanting to get advice) and she could have orthorexia/anorexia, ie she's fasting with no body fat for her body to burn off and exercising past the point of it being healthy.

  31. If this is true, and the OP has orthorexia, it’d probably be the case that she also talks about dieting frequently, and that’s the actual trigger

  32. Man, I hit a cat the same exact way a couple of years ago. Just darted right in front of me at the very last second. Worst feeling in the world…

  33. Had this happen with a cat too, I freaked out internally and tried to find it but couldn’t

  34. Besides for being wrong, a friend of mine resigned from Collins because they do make weapons for this. Several others at Collins also agree with the protester.

  35. Therapy, honestly, if you want to work it out, you need to go to therapy together

  36. Thank you. He's so therapy averse in general that I don't know how to bring it up. Is there a gentle way to discuss this without it sounding 'make or break'? I don't want him to feel like I'm giving ultimatums because that feels unfair

  37. Explain how things are making you feel, say that you really love him, but this hurts, and you want to work together to get through this.

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