
  1. I really couldn't care less how badly Sam treats Yas to be honest. After the way they both treated Inga, they both deserve to be cheated on.

  2. Let’s not forget what a mean girl Inga was when was with Sam.

  3. Don’t understand the downvotes, you’re right. People are forgetting how horrible Inga was when she was with him.

  4. I’m not saying Inga deserved the cheating either. I’m saying she was also awful! They’re all awful!

  5. So come and live with the proletariat in Cowley.

  6. I’m sorry but eff Lala James can have those feelings about his pet (that’s his baby), just because he’s childfree

  7. I loathe Lala but I think what she was objecting to was James implying she couldn’t understand what it was like to send your baby to stay with someone you didn’t trust. That’s legit.

  8. I liked it. I think he’s dressing better than most people on this show. Tom Schwartz looks like a homeless and Tom Slime looks like the Joker. To be fair James dresses like a regular person, even it’s a teenage boy.

  9. I myself, yeah, have suspected that. I don't want that, and I worry that an apology might lead to "well, to show you're sorry, watch my kid since she loves you."

  10. The kid does not love you. Feel free to tell her mother that. She met you two weeks ago, she doesn’t know you.

  11. IDK but as a person who grew up around antique furniture, I don't know what #1 is but for some reason I really love it, maybe it's the wear maybe there's something more that's hitting a memory somewhere but I just find those to be some of the best chairs of that style that I have seen. They're so pretty. #2 looks less interesting to me.

  12. Sounds like you’re in the UK. Go to student services and ask about counselling. They’ll point you in the right direction.

  13. I would say: New technologies, new clothes, new cars. They always got the shiniest and best pieces of any given thing.

  14. Bear with me on this but when I was a kid it was the poorer kids who had new name brand stuff. I was a solidly middle class kid, who ate leftovers for lunch, had hand-me-down clothes and never branded anything.

  15. Sandy literally called him cancer. To his face. On a TV show that is aired internationally.

  16. I personally like Sandy, I know I’m unusual in this. But the way she treated Fraser was awful. The way Fraser is treating Barbie is also awful.

  17. Is anyone else on Hayu UK and not got the newest episode yet? I usually watch on my lunch break but it’s not showing for me

  18. Is there any way to stay in the United Kingdom and not see the Daily Mail ever?

  19. That’s the Daily Mail for you. They’ve got to make it even more salacious. Surprised they didn’t add some mock ups of what that sex game looked like.

  20. Indigo. I do know a person who has it as a middle name tho!

  21. Second time I’ve spotted one of my nephew’s names in this thread. 😂

  22. Watched Schindler's List. On a coach trip to Auschwitz one year, I was the only person on board who had never seen the film. The other passengers looked at me like I was Hitler reincarnated.  

  23. I’ve not seen it either. It sounded depressing.

  24. The only college that’s a listed building is St Catherine’s.

  25. What do you mean by listed building. Because a lot of colleges are grade 1 listed.

  26. So I was told this ‘fun fact’ by an academic friend but either they were wrong or pulling my leg because Google says this is very untrue!

  27. Do you like her more when she’s criticising women’s bodies or she’s refusing to share food?

  28. He doesn't think she is fat or ugly, he is a narcissist. His precious feelings were hurt by her not messaging him back within those two hours, opening up her schedule and falling at his feet, so the poor baby threw his toys out of the pram and acted as if he was only giving her a pity date in the first place so he can feel better about himself. Basically he is a toddler who can't process emotions. Feel sad for him.

  29. Yes but she said pant suit or dress. Even now the objection is color not style

  30. She said to her a pant suit counts as formal but she expects her sister to wear a dress to be a bridesmaid.

  31. Where the hell do you live that the cops come out for a roommate stealing food?!

  32. If you hit something, even in lower speeds, that instantly stops your car, don’t matter if you have your seatbelt on, they will kill you.

  33. Oh good, I was going to link to one of those. They’re horrifying.

  34. What do y'all go to gym for if you can't even stir or shake the bottle a bit

  35. I've tried dozens of varieties, and there's no flavor I like. Especially since most use artificial sweeteners (and Stevia is a hard no, I can taste it through everything), which I can't stand. I need something that will cover that shit up.

  36. You can get a plain protein powder and turn it into a kind of cheese sauce to add to pasta bakes or lasagne. Everyone makes the sweet shakes but there’s a lot of potential in savoury sauces. Blends well with spinach too.

  37. What happened in picture 2. Did you scoop out a handful?

  38. First, grout doesn't belong in corners, irrespective of whether it is cementitious or epoxy. The reason is that walls are more likely to shift with respect to each other, than is likely within the same plane. You don't want material that dries hard in those critical joints, just as you don't want it where the tub meets the tile.

  39. I think he used poly filler. There’s a waterproof one.

  40. Water, black coffee, Coke Zero, banana protein shakes. Oh and tequila.

  41. Hey, I’m sorry that happened to you. It sounds like a really uncomfortable and othering experience. I enjoyed the movie and I watched it in the cinema but if you were my friend and said “this makes me feel uncomfortable” I’d have asked if you wanted to leave. At home it’s even easier to pause the movie and ask “are you okay, do you want to stop watching this”.

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