
  1. Mmmmm A for effort but this will be a disaster lol

  2. Your tendencies aren't weird. She just doesn't really find you attractive and that's her problem. I find that when I have sex with NTs this tends to happen.

  3. I hope you found out what was going on with your body. At one point I thought I had Lupus as well, but turns out I have a genetic connective tissue disorder called EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). Apparently its very common for us autistic folk to have EDS. Its relieving to have that awareness about my body, but everything still hurts lol. Marijuana helps with my pain :')

  4. Yes I also have POTs. When did you get diagnosed with EDS?

  5. I have had it my whole life, it runs on my moms side really bad. But I didn't know it was EDs until my early 20s. I am almost 30 now.

  6. I'd be on my knees in zero seconds 😭🤭

  7. Lmfao they probs ran your paper thru your schools plagerism checker and your OG paper was already in there 💀💀💀💀 plagerised your own paper lmfao

  8. "Surprise" to them maybe. We aren't fucking idiots here! Ppl in Ohio care about politics a lot!

  9. Sorry, eh (I'm from Cleveland and live in Vancouver)

  10. It's okay eh. (I'm from Ontario and live in Cle lol)

  11. Imagine being a Canadian and watching your forests burn. yea, my summers sucks but at least my area isn't burning down

  12. I am Canadian lmfao I live in Cleveland so it's like a double burn. Stfu lol

  13. Short answer, no. I've been in different kinds of positions during my job career and they didn't impact the way I identify. Sure, life experiences helped me understand who I really am but I've always been like this.

  14. Tysm he ghosted so I am not surprised with everyone's response and how he reacted.

  15. Right, just like every guy I’ve ever dated is “nice.” It’s not about the good things, it’s what happens when he doesn’t get his way.

  16. Lmfao he not an abuser if that's what you're implying dear god

  17. I was about to mention the same crack at the base of the skull.

  18. If you truly want to continue the dynamic and build, you will eventually feel comfortable enough to introduce yourself to his family/friends.

  19. I hope someone spots your friend! I hope he is also safe.

  20. I think there is heavy miscommunication here. It sounds like you know what you like but he didn't tell you what he likes and then just does it and you don't like that and that's valid.

  21. I am glad the kid is alive. The parents can sue you for sure for medical damages.

  22. Anyone else read that in a hella Reminderville accent lol

  23. I hate how propaganda-y Ohio is it's like ew.

  24. 🤣🤣🤣 Cleveland Heights is the most upity bitch there is. She thinks she is up there with Downtown Cleveland so she'll flaunt Demington and South Overlook but her brother is literally East Cleveland like we don't want you either LOL

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