
  1. I'd think the benefit would be to clean the toothbrush more before using it?

  2. That applies to every breath you take in the bathroom, I wouldn't be too worried about the extra from the toothbrush.

  3. In all these illustrations there is way too much tooth paste. If you put the expected amount (a small pea), there is absolutely no need to water it down or whatever people are doing with water. 

  4. If you container has a solid shape and is initially filled with vacuum, it would get heavier and heavier the more H2 you add.

  5. If you have zero of five cows, the five was never there to begin with. I don’t understand why people find this hard to grasp…

  6. 5 cows, they each produce 0L of milk on a given day, total milk produced that day is ... not 5L.

  7. if the planes moves left on the picture then the wheels must spinn faster than the belt, which is a contradiction to the assumption

  8. Notice the question says "speed of the wheels", not rotational speed, or speed of the top of the wheel or whatnot. Planes moves left, wheels move left, belt moves right at the same speed, nothing special happens (just wheels spin twice as fast as usual).

  9. Are you saying the plane does not stay stationary despite the treadmill matching the wheel speed? Or that the airflow of the engine exhaust alone is enough to lift the plane up?

  10. Speed of "the wheel" is the speed of its center of mass, which is the same as the speed of the plane. The question says the conveyor goes to that speed in the other direction, so when the plane goes x m/s forward, the wheels do as well, and the treadmill goes x m/s backward.

  11. But the girl isn't a dog tho, how is commenting on the dog saying that the girl is cute, am I an autist?

  12. Because she's the owner of the cute dog.

  13. But then I don't get that either. If the universe has a shape - flat, saddle, spherical, whatever - then by definition there must be a boundary to that shape, no? Or are we saying it has a shape without boundaries, in which case what on earth does that mean? Even a mobius strip has edges.

  14. In short, nothing says the universe has a shape. It might quite be infinite. The part that we can see is finite, but it looks the same in all directions, so does not suggest to be in a specific position within a shape.

  15. Nothing says "we stand with Ukraine" more than not giving aid for half a year, then asking to not attack russian oil refineries and then publishing an article to bash China at the expence of Ukraine.

  16. I thought I read since that "asking to not attack russian oil refineries" was fake news, i.e. russian propaganda.

  17. An infinite set of integers is literally not countable in the sense that you cannot count all the numbers (there a 3 numbers in the set {3,7,31} which I counted had 3 entries) not in the sense that you can count 1, 2 , 3 ,4...

  18. You can't compute distance to a non number just like you can't compute distance from zero to the concept of baseball. Infinity is a description of the size of a set not an irrational number. Pi is an irrational number you can approximate and make claims that is closer to the value of pi than 7. Infinity is not "the largest number" it is an uncountable set which never ends.

  19. The extended real number line is metrizable, i.e. you can absolutely compute a distance, in the proper mathematical definition, when using a compatible metric.

  20. The men's/women's public bathroom was created 100- 200 years ago because women of that time period didn't feel comfortable sharing a multi-person bathroom with men.

  21. Gender neutral bathroom can have urinals, they just have to be in a enclosed area.

  22. We do indeed! Because as you already said: It's a trick. Like a magic trick. Just illusions. You cannot just observe the environment and then conclude your theories. We flat earthers do the real science: First defining the truth. Second looking for all the facts that match our theory. Third ignore anything else. /s

  23. I mean, if you redefine space so that light and momentum don't follow straight lines, you can rewrite everything so that the earth is "flat", in a curved universe. It's useless and makes every equation worse, but it "works".

  24. As far as we know, the law is being applied exactly the same way to both of the top two tickets. But only one of them has apparently committed fraud for close to half a billion dollar, which kinda sounds like a real offence TBH... There is no both sides here, it's very very obviously one sided.

  25. Je comprends pas tout mais je me suis toujours demandé d'où venait ce besoin de rajouter la matière noire pour expliquer la différence de masse estimée et observée des galaxies, cela ne pourrait pas tout simplement venir d'une quantité phénoménal de petits trous noirs comme des trous noir primordiaux ?

  26. Les trous noirs ça interagit fortement avec l'environnement proche, s'il y en avait vraiment abondement ça se verrait, et en plus il faudrait un mécanisme pour expliquer comment se sont formés ces innombrables trous noirs.

  27. Jusqu'à présent, la réglementation européenne a plutôt été très favorable à l'écologie, l'écologie et la qualité de vie des citoyens par rapport à ce qui se fait purement au niveau national. 

  28. Ce que je n'arrive pas à me représenter c'est que si l'univers est en expansion, il l'est par rapport à quoi ?

  29. Si tu prends deux points dans l'univers, il faut de plus de temps pour aller de l'un a l'autre. La distance entre les deux s'agrandie. C'est l'univers qui change, pas les points qui se déplacent.

  30. Le détail important c'est "par rapport à quoi". Il s'étend dans quoi ?

  31. Pour moi il ne faut pas le voir comme l'univers qui s'étend, mais plutôt comme la notion de distance qui change.

  32. C'est un avantage négligeable quand tu compares avec tous les bénéfices du calendrier à 13 mois (tous les mois commencent un lundi, chaque jour du mois est toujours le même jour de la semaine, etc.).

  33. Bof. Tu veux un truc qui se passe tous les lundi? Tu peux déjà, il y a les semaines pour ça. Ça marche tout le temps, année bissextiles ou non.

  34. Oui mais samedi dans deux semaines c'est déjà pas ambigu. Si tu veux dans un mois lunaire, c'est samedi dans quatre semaines. Pas besoin de jour, pas besoin de mois, on sait quand c'est.

  35. Indeed. This is clearly in the wrong sub because the troll/bot clearly didn't feel a thing, but it was a very nice deconstruction of the issue.

  36. What matters as usual is how will this influence people reading it. It doesn't matter if the OP is a bot, your response is to the many readers.

  37. Transactions between entities have to settle. Most of the time, this is a trusted third-party. Suppose I want to send $50 via ACH to my friend who banks elsewhere. When the ACH goes out, the money doesn't really leave my bank -- it leaves my banks settlement account at the Federal reserve. Similarly, the money doesn't actually appear at the receiving bank, their account at the Fed is credited.

  38. And a key part of this, is that money on you bank account has to correspond to money on the central banks's account. A bank on its own cannot create money, only the central bank can.

  39. Not "undefined" like that. It's more like asking what's north of the North Pole, or like asking where the Eiffel Tower was in 1700.

  40. Actually very much undefined like that.

  41. Cheese, like most foods, contains a lot of water. (A hard cheese is about

  42. In particular, ice crystals will break cell walls from vegetables and meat. As a result, these will be much more susceptible to microorganisms, resulting in shorter shelf life once defrosted.

  43. In particular, ice crystals will break cell walls from vegetables and meat. As a result, these will be much more susceptible to microorganisms, resulting in shorter shelf life once defrosted.

  44. Doing that myself sometimes, i can say this is guaranteed the reason behind it

  45. Norway/Sweden are North/South of each other. Finland is the third one.

  46. Mon post manque peut être un peu de nuances mais je pense que ces logements vides la plus part de l'année devraient être "sous loués" à des personnes dans le besoin contre une participation à la vie citoyenne. Exemple, bénévolat dans l'association du bourg. En échange le / la bénéficiaire serait "récompensé(e)" par un panier de nourriture pour la semaine et un toit sur la tête.

  47. Mais qui paie pour la construction et l'entretien de ces logements ? Et où vont ces personnes dans le besoin les semaines où le logement est occupé ?

  48. Bitcoin/crypto gets a lot of hate but this is one of those things that it got right. The security of the top crypto coins is fairly strongly proven mathematically to the point they don't need these mitigation efforts that can only be carried out by "trusted" people. The mathematical proof does eventually rely on game theory of how masses of people act, but it doesn't rely on any particular person, and everything below that point is soundly hard coded into the algorithm.

  49. But that only protects transactions. You can still attack portfolios, both personal and exchange ones. On that front, crypto tends to fare worse than banks (as would be expected when you outsource security to random participants).

  50. Yes, and then you get farmer protests and they start burning rubber tires on the highway. Is this also included in the calculations ? Or a house that burns down ? Or people chopping trees and burning wood for heat ? Etc

  51. Those would be negligible rounding errors. Oil consumption is hundreds of millions of gallons per day.

  52. The light source in the room (presumably white) will always give out much more light than any object just reflecting a small part of this light source. Hence why white objects will still look predominantly white.

  53. Il y a une grosse faute de logique dans ces chiffres: les travailleurs supplémentaires ne font pas que consommer des emplois, ils en créent aussi.

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