
  1. ...when the only person who remembers your birthday is your car insurance agent.

  2. Just curious. If you want to experiment with other people, why did you get married?

  3. I just watched Resident Alien and thought it was pretty funny. I'm 75.

  4. Not Spitfire, but UVI's IRCAM Solo Instruments has traditional instruments with 'extended' techniques.

  5. Giving myself timed tasks helped me. Instead of "clean the house' or 'wash the dishes', I just think '30 minutes housecleaning' or '15 minutes washing dishes'. Instead of it being an intimidating, endless task, it becomes something that I knew will be over soon. That way, I'm much more likely to start and complete the task.

  6. Aren't most artists solitary souls who spend most of their time alone in their studios?

  7. This is a pen pal sub, not a dating sub.

  8. Protein bar and black coffee. Every morning.

  9. I went for an Eclipse Walk. I was hoping that I would experience the sun dimming and the birds stop tweeting, but nothing happened.

  10. There are several commercial Green Tea with Honey drinks. I used to drink Honest Tea's Honey Green Tea all the time.

  11. I've had many different Glaucoma tests and procedures over the years, but have always driven myself home. I do, however, remember once shielding my eyes and thinking, "Wow! The sun sure is bright!".

  12. I just had a wisdom tooth pulled. I ate cottage cheese, pudding, soups, yogurt, protein drinks, and apple sauce.

  13. Ooh. I was going to suggest this. Great piece!

  14. FYI - I've never 'meal planned' in my life. I walk into the kitchen and ask myself, "What do I have to work with?". I might look in the fridge or cupboard to refresh my memory. Then I make up something (simple and quick) on the spot.

  15. There are TONS of 20th and 21st century works for Violin and Piano. You'll have to narrow it down a bit.

  16. Do you know what your SS benefits will be? If they will not be enough to retire on, maybe it's time to consider downsizing and/or moving to a less expensive location?

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