
  1. First of all, you are heard. I'm not trying to validate your feelings. When I'm in such situations, I try to be as rational as possible. So ask yourself these questions: Has your FP ever tried to kill themselves or harm themselves in anyway? Could there be a reason why they don't respond? (Maybe because they have to work tomorrow and got to bed early) And so on.

  2. Well that's not the same. We always decided to sterilize our cats so they won't get pregnant or make another cat pregnant. I'm living on a village and most of the farmers keep Strays there and they will get even more babies. They won't get fed or anything and just stray around. It's even worse than just simply sterilize the cats :)

  3. Uhm yeah, you can basically use app. But I personally prefer the app. Or you can go on and install the extansion. - > shows the abilitys, runes and what to skill. Also the pros and cons of your enemys - > basically as blitz but less buggy. But also less Exactly. shows only the stats of your and the enemy team. There is only a extension for Twitch but the other twos are desktop apps which you can show by using a display capture. I would test the apps off stream :)

  4. Your name is okay. There is this guy Named HolyHittler and he's still there. I'm checking for his profile sometimes 😂

  5. Darling... And take this for good: throw you account away. Your mmr is fucked. I was harstuck silver for soo long cause my mmr was fucked, made a new account: BOOM Dia 2 :)

  6. Thanks for the advice, the problem is that i've already spent some money on this account and i dont want to throw it away. I'll try making a smurf until seasonn 12.

  7. Well I use my original account too, but just not for grinding. I play ranked games and stuff in it, mostly with friends or viewers, but if I rly want to win and grind and have fun... I play in my smurf :)

  8. Woah nice! But for a second it looked like a flashlight someone is using from one of the windows above. I've never seen a ghost orb before, but it's kinda big for them. Someone once told me it looks like little dusk flakes dancing around. But seems like they come in all sizes

  9. Well not all smurf player are like this. I also got a main acc (g1) and a smurf account which is higher than my main (d3) and still I don't troll. Also, people which are high elo (challenger) won't find ranked games sometimes, because the q is too long or there are not enough ppl playing rn. So they do smurfing. And that's okay by me. Most of the ppl talking about "I'm master smurf" and then running the game down are mostly in fact no smurf player, but player which lost their accounts due flaming/inting/afking. And some are rly just mean and try to troll a few gold/platinum player. So u can't rly say they are all like this. But I get your point

  10. Ich verstehe du möchtest also wissentlich lieber das Problem sein als die Lösung.

  11. Ich finde deine Antworten nicht nur unglaublich richtig, sondern respektvoll UND lustig. Mag die Art wie du schreibst. Ich feier dich OP! Zieh weiter dein Ding durch. Danke für dein Engagement. Liebe geht raus

  12. I wonder if it started as a wrong number, then they decided to take advatage of it when you sleep-answered and seemed cooperative? Thats some messed up stuff. Glad you caught it before they got you out of the house or something. You don't still have the number do you? I'm sure the internet could track this person down.

  13. Did you try calling back the next day?

  14. No, it was an anonymous number. That's how I saw I was calling often with this, I also could see when anonymous numbers would call me and it was often before or around midnight

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