
  1. Can you put the dirty laundry in and add the detergent in the morning when you run it?

  2. Buying a house when I was 24 for 190k. Mortgage was half my paycheck when I first bought it. It's been 8 years and it's worth in the low 400's now. I wouldn't have been able to buy now if I had waited.

  3. Dr. Nickle is amazing and literally one of the best OB's in Tacoma. He's also private practice, which means you'll only get Dr. Nickle delivering your baby, not whomever in the group is on call. Pre delivery appointments are one on one. Pre delivery appointments with other OB's can often be group sessions with other pregnant ladies. He also delivers at Tacoma General, which has a full NICU. I send everyone I know that's pregnant his way.

  4. One of those shark head stick grabby things.

  5. Maybe like the Bumblebee tuna salad cracker things.

  6. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease got me as a kid. Basically the ball portion of the hip joint was getting starved for blood and deteriorated. Treatment was restricting running and jumping. I got diagnosed at 7, so you can imagine how devastating it is to hear that you can't run and play with your friends. Got hooked on video games after that. Me and the neighborhood kids all had bikes too, and that was safe as it was low impact on my hip. Today that hip is arthritic, and I can only do so much until the pain makes me have to stop. Range of motion in the hip is getting worse, and I can hear a soft pop with almost every step I take. I'm in my mid 20's, so I don't really know what the future looks like rn

  7. You could argue coke zero is actually worse than OJ.

  8. Underrated comment for sure !! This plus the link to cancer with drinking aspartame is the reason I don't drink anything diet. Just sugar in moderation please.

  9. For those who use or are considering using DepoProvera birth control, DON'T DO IT. Those of us who were on it for years have developed osteoporosis and degenerative disc disease. Supposedly there is a BLACK BOX WARNING but patients only see the filled injection needle - we never saw the box! And doctors didn't tell us. So I am 46 year old this year with the degenerative spine of a 70+ year old woman. There is NO reversal.

  10. I was on it for about 7 or 8 years starting when I was 17. For the last year of it I had the most debilitating back pain as a 24ish year old. Took me a lot of googling to realize the issue was depo. Took a few months after the last shot wore off before the pain started going away. Back has never been the same.

  11. If your boobs accidentally brush up against a guy, are you aware? Self conscious? If you find him attractive, is a part of you like, "hope he enjoyed that"?

  12. Not in the slightest. You're very much hoping the dude didn't notice, and wasn't suddenly sexualizing you because you accidentally touched eachother.

  13. Because actors not wearing shoes looks kinda weird, basically. It's shown on TV way more than it seems to occur irl.

  14. Something about how it's dangerous to not wear shoes on set.

  15. Finished my prereqs and probably getting into nursing school in the fall. As a tech of 10 years I just barely make what a nurse makes starting out. And that's with as associates. So yeh I'm going back for a different associates to do the same stuff but get paid more.

  16. Lipo suction is using thin metal tubes to suck out the fat through very small incisions. I work in surgery and do these occasionally.

  17. True! I’ve already ordered twice during the sale. 😍

  18. The machines only hold about a half of a standard load but the cycle time is the same. So twice as long. I wash laundry every other day for 2 adults to just keep the drying racks to 1 at a time. I have 2 racks and could wash once a week but it overwhelms my living room.

  19. The washer only takes maybe twice the amount of time. The dryer takes maybe 4 times the amount of time of a normal dryer ? Taking into account the low amount of power use and smaller amount of clothes.

  20. I have the black and decker one that was about 250. It works fantastic. Takes a bit longer to do my clothes though, but I prefer it to using public washers. I have a small dryer too, that was about 250 as well.

  21. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I hate their primer. I can't blend anythingggggg. I literally use the Elf putty primer.

  22. i agree. the only product i like from them is the halo glow liquid filter which i expected to hate. i have really dry skin and i didn’t like the original ctilbury flawless filter AT ALL. so i tried halo glow with low expectations. but this product has replaced most of my complexion base products. the only product from them i care for.

  23. Love the halo glow. I have a very neutral foundation I add it to, looks perfect on me.

  24. And then you have to wash your hands again. 🙄

  25. My partner does this. The pantry is always too packed. We had salad dressing that expired before we got to it. Buys in bulk and when there are sales. We can probably eat for a year on what’s in the pantry and freezer, but he won’t quit shopping.

  26. Pre cooked chicken sausages, precooked yakisoba noodles, bag of frozen veggies, bottle of stir fry sauce.

  27. My husband has them. They were blue when he was a kid but turned green.

  28. Same with me, though I was only one or two when they changed.

  29. Right? Everyone in my family has green eyes. Always thought it was boring and wanted blue or brown.

  30. their caffeine eye cream burned my eyeballs off

  31. Damn, I'm obsessed with this stuff. My favorite product ever, makes me look amazing.

  32. I identify with a lot of the ones already listed here. Haha My biggest one is something unusual touching my hands or feet. For instance, say I am washing the dishes and I see food on the plate, even though I know it’s there, I can’t stand it touching my hands.

  33. Me too ! Like I know I'm going to wash my hands either way, but still can't stand it.

  34. I bought a hand crank clothes washer called a WonderWash in order to save money when I lived in an apartment complex without my own personal washer/dryer. I figured it would save me a lot of money, since I was paying like £3 per wash and dry in the communal laundry room, and I wear uniform at work so between that and my ordinary clothes I was doing laundry at least once or twice a week.

  35. They have small dryers now too ! I have both a regular plug in mini washer and dryer in my apartment.

  36. Green knight. Such a weird movie. At the end the whole theater was just like, wait what ??

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