
  1. Coolidge corner 20 min by train downtown, right on the green line ( c train).

  2. What about the people who DRSed their IRA shares via Mainstar Trust? I thought we had found some routes?

  3. I can confirm Mainstar trust. Iā€™ve had it over a year. I was one of the first to use them.

  4. And note theyā€™re not the only one. But a larger % of ira users used Mainstar.

  5. 25k? What are you selling?! My restaurant weekly cost is 5k to get started maybe 10-15k tops

  6. To start. From scratch. All the stuff in the pantry.

  7. Aha! You found the bacon stretcher!

  8. Put a scale next to the carving station so they can see how far off they are and adjust if needed. 10 oz is also a small/thin cut for ribeye so maybe itā€™s just a matter of comfort for the cooks, in that they donā€™t want to cut it even smaller than listed. You can trim a bit away to hit 10 oz but you canā€™t add more once itā€™s cut

  9. Yes. Alot of people arent gonna like this one, but it works - use an rotary electric slicer (move over!).

  10. Whatā€™s the trick to making great prime rib?

  11. Let it temp for awhile before roasting.

  12. If this is true, then now what? If they have suddenly created a short interest nightmare, how did this help them escape their demise. Arenā€™t they screwed either way? With publicly reported short interest that high, there has to be a run and it seems it will be even more painful than if they had just completed T69 obligations when they were supposed to, right? I am genuinely asking for wrinklier apes full detailed opinions on this.

  13. Itā€™s actually pretty easy. I did exactly that.

  14. Agreed. I still think SHF are stuck between two price levels. Iā€™d also love to see Ryan or other execs load up at these levels

  15. Yeah. Thereā€™s a reason why it doesnā€™t drop a whole Lot more down.

  16. Now that you have to buy ETH, not mine it, it's cut the options shorter for the little guy to get 32 ETH as they now have to buy and stake if they want more instead of mine. That increases the chance of centralisation by the bigger money players

  17. Maybe but itā€™s not like POW didnā€™t have some centralization either.

  18. Donā€™t run heaters indoors. Heck even running them in the garage with the doors open isnā€™t good enough, unless itā€™s close to the door

  19. I'm relieved to see the girl in the foreground avoided getting struck by the hurtling sign, but did the people in the background avoid getting struck by that hurting car!

  20. I think you see the girl on the left turn into red mist

  21. They fixed it by turning off prices in otter areas.

  22. It also looks like they changed bulk buying. Itā€™s 17 hrs later and eve and Nate still have 1200 available. The scalpers didnā€™t Hoover them all up.

  23. Honestly, not surprised all these American major banks blocking people after Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan calls Bitcoin and crypto a decentralized

  24. Itā€™s because itā€™s a threat to them. If they control it, then itā€™s ok.

  25. Oh Iā€™m an idiot. I got two of those awhile back and sent one to a burn address. Thought it was just an ambitious amateur who was cruising wallets according to CyberCrew purchases.

  26. No no. Youā€™re right to be nervous. Thereā€™s so many crappy NFTs that came out of nowhere on opensea. And stories of people opening them and their assets disappearing from their wallets.

  27. Risk when leaning over them from the side, trying to serve some beef jambalaya to my wife's bf. Or from wiping up the mess they always leave.

  28. I have one thatā€™s a star. With pointy bits. Itā€™s only a few inches above my head when I understand it.

  29. Theyā€™re trying to make settlement go away - that includes all the shorts.

  30. No. Itā€™s more like if they have a put, and and any other subsidiary has a long, they net to 0 and get a pass.

  31. Iā€™d agree. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not coming. Maybe not kiraverse though.

  32. This right here is why banks and the Fed get away with what they want. Instead of just saying we are adding 0.75% to the base interest, they say basis points. A whole language of BS.

  33. Yeah I noticed that. I used to listen to the fed - it was all gibberish.

  34. It is unfixable. There is no refactoring their ā€œcodeā€. We build from scratch.

  35. Agree. This is what happens with software too- old tech gets more and more complex until itā€™s unworkable.

  36. I donā€™t think itā€™s a function of code. Itā€™s human behavior thatā€™s represented in the evolution of the system.

  37. Given the increased prices of fuel, wouldnā€™t it seem reasonable to think that those past price hikes wouldnā€™t cover the gas increases?

  38. Iā€™d have to check, but yes I donā€™t think current pressure is priced in. Weā€™re slightly more protected from Russia turning off natural gas. But weā€™d be foolish to think itā€™s not gonna hit us. Germany has like x6 energy costs.

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