
  1. One can enjoy playing or improve even when losing. Not my fault others are unhappy with the outcome of their chosen game (lol) half the time due to losing half the time.

  2. The odds of 1 of the enemies being forced to leave due to life problems or a heart attack are low.. but never zero

  3. Seems like you didn't read. Being stronger than him does not equal being in the right place to stop him.

  4. Losing powers is usually such a shitty arc. I can't think of a single time I've seen it done well. It's just annoying.

  5. I assume many authors deem the reduced engagement worth it, since following that there's more room for progression.

  6. The normal regression in WMW was the best one of those I can remember, because it was so damn funny and the protagonist made the best out of it

  7. Funny? You mean the bit about messing with that chosen hero? That was nice, though I can't say it couldn't have been done without regression

  8. Why read litrpg then? Could just as well read fantasy then.

  9. Maybe they like the setting being litrpg. Tree of aeons is a litrpg, but there's like 1 unique-ish system window once every 10-20 chapters. In effect, by now (late in the story) the novel os barely litrpg, but the setting being rpg has its appeal, and it's just important to measure people in levels or to occasionally address them getting an important class up.

  10. i dont even know what are these memes supposed to mean ? whats the image of a good looking syndra supposed to mean ? where did this trend even start?

  11. Looks low quality/ bad for the first parts of gameplay. Shifts to looking good due to the R which unlike prior is highly successfull

  12. The quantity of prog works is immense, so you have options. Options, which don't require wasting time reading something you don't enjoy and hoping that that'll change

  13. It does feel really weird that there’s 60 min in an hour

  14. We've seen fantasy earths have longer years or days. This time, they might've messed with the hours

  15. I'd feel like asking her to introduce me to her sister. I shalln't shan't be tempted by Fubuki's high quality meat

  16. I looked up the word before its use... tho it looks like I didn't read enough into it

  17. Draven is lvl 13 and karthus 18. This isn’t surprising.

  18. But it is fun. They had it coming for missing the fight anyways

  19. Wish I could do my taxes while playing LoL

  20. Can't play her top anymore cause they reworked her kit and passive.

  21. I see. I've not played league for over half a year now, and wonder if one day my lol trivia will be so outdated, I'll lose the capacity to effectively browse this sub

  22. Depends on what you mean by multiverse. Most isekai will have something like that implied, since clearly there's no magic on Earth, and we expect the laws of physics to be consistent in our universe, hence, I expect there to exist others but with magic. This also explains why the magical version of Earth has humans and similar animals and plants.

  23. I don't think one can be a masochist if they're immune to harm and hence pain

  24. In Loki's Honor, Maid to kill, To play with magic, Memoirs of Your Local Small-time Villainess, Enduring Good, Los, The Devil's Foundry, The Calamitous Bob

  25. To that I will add Melody of Mana...the MC was bi, and the first romantic relationship was lesbian.

  26. Read much of it too (dropped due to romance getting serious), but didn't mention because she didn't stay lesbian.

  27. Naah both Ashe and Sejuani voice lines are annoying as fuk (mainly because they have only a few of them and repeat same thing over and over)

  28. But he's locked down and his basic abilities are the worst of any mage. The champ is literally an ult bot and is counter by a 1200gold item

  29. Cleansing the Suppress won't deny the ult's damage, and one can simply ult for often than qss's cooldpwn.

  30. Malz ult dmg is a mini zone on the ground if you qss it you Just take one step to the left

  31. I thought malz ult also had a flat damage on top of the percentage dealt to the target, all while refreshing the duration of E on the target, which also deals damage

  32. I miss the fanart of each hand petting a dog. Then there was one of each being countered by Watchdog man

  33. I think Himmel and HoTS would be friends. I feel like HoTS would make fun of Himmel for his persistence in pursuing Frieren's affection. He would say, "Himmel, you dolt, this Elf is so dense that it would take her 100 years to understand your affection".

  34. From the series it feels like Himmel already knew that. He's trying to pull a fast one on her. It's why he's had so many statues of him made, or why he preferred to be remembered by her as young and handsome.

  35. Fork this life. The madman of an author put collapsed lists in the main Blue Table. The stats themselves are great too. Though with current upload rate, you or the author are more likely to die of old age than to live to see 40 more chapters be released

  36. Magic-smithing, but it's on hiatus. Chapters are very long though. No clear cultivation ranks, but lots of skills, a system very similar to Singer Sailor in that regard

  37. I don't know for sure if just winrate determine mmr, but people could with more ease deduce the algorithm determining the mmr if they saw it. This would be followed by playing not the game but the mmr system, even if it doesn't equal trying to maximise one's winrate

  38. I thought that a decent player of any role would suck. Unless it's Bard, who I assume will go bother Top or something instead of the enemy support

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