
  1. Not exactly what you want, but you could take a look, just in case, at cobblemon, tameable beasts and doggy talents

  2. Oh ive heard of it! I was just looking for something that's not Pokémon or Digimon, I've done those enough. Thanks though! (This is my other account)

  3. Yeah, it's Spain. Though this image is old as heck

  4. Also, España, when every other country uses the translated name

  5. He llegado tarde, que había dicho?

  6. It's a news outlet that, although mainly focuses on sports, literally publishes anything that might get a single click

  7. He's going backwards and only looks when it's too late

  8. No merece la pena jugarse la vida por evitar el atraco a una joyería que seguramente esté asegurada.

  9. Mi padre y yo pagamos 40€ por dos hamburgesas, al menos estaban buenas

  10. Por 20€ la hamburguesa ya tiene que venir con carne wagyu

  11. Nah there’s a lot of other Pokémon that come from space that Rayquaza doesn’t really give a shit about. I think it just hates deoxoys.

  12. I haven't played since sixth, I didn't know what type minior was, or if there are more moon Pokémon, I just know of clefairy

  13. But the guy chewed on her, exactly what her injuries was is unknown but I’d say the risk of her back, legs and/or arms being crushed was pretty high, doubt she’d be climbing with any of those injuries up to the head and then expand

  14. Couldn't she have become smaller before getting into mouth to escape hand?

  15. No te preocupes, ya se baja el Almería solito.

  16. El mínimo requerido cambia según la cuenta? Yo estoy en ING con cuenta nómina y no tengo comisiones en cajeros de ING ni en cajeros de Abanca si saco más de 50€, no se si igual pudo cambiar en algún momento y no te fijaste, te lo comento porque yo también pensaba que eran mínimo 200 pero tuve que sacar dinero en un abanca por necesidad y me llevé una sorpresa 😂

  17. ING depende de qué banco saques dinero, si son cajeros de ING y alguna otra compañía, es sin comisión, ahora sí, hay otros que tienen mínimo de 50, 120 o 200. Yo normalmente miro en la app el mapita que tienen pa saber de dónde sacar

  18. That’s if you are a weirdo that was born with three kidneys 🤓 (Or if your wife also contributes with the utility expenses)

  19. good on him for noticing. the other kids were oblivious

  20. The other kids were oblivious, but maybe he should have warned, might have been handy to have more people to help

  21. Nope if you've ever played volleyball you know it's better to yell mine and let everyone else get out of the way.

  22. Damn, makes sense, I've never been much of a volleyball fan.

  23. And why is it the only place that has the flag of a region and not a country

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