
  1. it depends where you are located and what grows well in your area. I think that all one thing, down the entire line, would be beautiful, for a dramatic impact. Depending on what plants do well in your area, it could be roses, hydrangeas, peonies, lilac bushes, etc

  2. if you decide to put down the mulch yourself, just be careful not to throw out your back. Spreading mulch works out specific muscles that do not get used regularly. My technique is to fill small containers with mulch and just take my time with it. It can be fun, being outside on a nice day. If it is very hot, I wet myself down with the hose and wear a big sun hat.

  3. Here is an idea; think of the date as a way to share an experience that you enjoy. For example, where I live, there is a botanical park that I love going to. If I was looking to find a partner, I would invite him to go there with me. I would show him the best parts of the park. I would bring a picnic basket with home made cookies and hot tea.

  4. I would probably start with a drawbridge and then a moat or maybe the moat first and then the drawbridge. But definitely some kind of shark infested water feature.

  5. that is silly and made me laugh I think the house is really great, and really does not need anything except for the usual maintenance. If the style does not suit you, then by all means, do whatever you want to update or make it feel like it reflects your taste!!! Congrats!!!!

  6. Maybe some pink flamingos or maybe a big metal dinosaur that is rigged up to breathe fire when people walk by.

  7. I know how you feel. That inner sadness makes you feel like everyone dislikes you, as if you are guilty of something. That is the depression making you feel that way. I am fighting it now also. I am going outside everyday, getting exercise, trying to be positive and friendly, putting make up on, trying to look good, talking to people, trying to keep from getting sucked under. Sticking to a routine, trying to eat right, trying to concentrate on getting things done. It is a constant effort to stay strong and positive. I send you my whole heart and hope that you will feel better and feel loved and have some fun everyday

  8. Recurrent psychotic depression since 2019. Stable for over 2 years. Things that helped:

  9. I have the same question. My landlord just sent me a 1099-INT that the bank sent to her that has my name and the last 4 of my social on it. However, my lease is not complete yet and I don't know if the landlord is going to charge a 1% administrative fee. So, I'm also curious about potentially having to pay tax on an amount I won't receive. Yes, it's only $60 of interest so I'd probably owe an extra $20 on my taxes, which isn't much, but it is the principle of the matter. My father taught me "Watch the pennies and the dollars will follow."

  10. $60 interest will not generate $20 of tax unless you are paying tax at 33% which is a high tax bracket. Are you including Federal and State tax combined?

  11. as someone once said, I want to have to pay a lot of tax. That means I am making a ton of money

  12. When I am in a depressive episode, I have a feeling of paralyzing dread and anxiety that stops me from functioning. Everything is overwhelming, even making a meal. The hours tick by slowly and I do not know how I am going to make it through the day. It’s like having my finger plugged into an electrical outlet. The thought of dying is comforting and I start fixating on this. What brings on an episode is a combination of bad things happening over a series of months in addition to getting sloppy with taking my antidepressant medication. Bad things like; my son losing his job and moving into the basement, and my husband and I fighting non stop over what to do to help him. The tension and worry build up until a tipping point is reached. It is like being in the ocean when the waves are rough. At first it’s OK because you can touch the bottom and you just go under when the waves come. But then the undertow pulls you out further. Now you cannot touch the bottom and the waves are coming faster and harder, so you cannot get a full breath before the next wave hits. Soon you feel like you are drowning, so you wave down the lifeguard. In my case the life guard is the psych ward.

  13. Birthdays are bombshells. They have the potential for making me feel so bad, for the very reasons you describe. Luckily I have a son who lives close and two good girlfriends. I tell them ahead of time that although this may seem strange, I am going to have a meltdown unless this this and this happens on my birthday. And even then it usually goes sideways. Just the nature of birthdays.

  14. Anyone have followup on this idea? I am currently in this exact situation. I have a client who wants to work with me without the CC middlemen. I have my own LLC registered, can they just work with me through my LLC?

  15. If you read carefully the contract that you signed with CC, it should spell out what you can and cannot do. If it is not in the contract, then they have no case. Also, does the contract have a time frame? The contract probably has a “do not compete” clause that keeps you from directly dealing with the client, and not paying them, for a certain time frame.

  16. Thank you 👍 and now I am searching for the job . It is difficult because I have only degree not skill but hope I find the job

  17. You will succeed! Everyone feels vulnerable and insecure when they are looking for a job. It truly sucks. Keep up the positive self talk and practice for the interviews!

  18. Fuck the dishes Fuck the chores Just get outside, away from the house of hell Get under the sky Look at a winterberry bush Your body is rebelling against the rules of an unnatural world. Fuck the world Celebrate yourself Reinvent the rules That feel right to you

  19. That is very crushing. I am sorry this has happened. It is sooooo hard getting along with other people and love relationships are the most difficult. The emotions will wreck you. And with bipolar, you need stability. This is going to sound stupid, but you will find someone that is right for you and you will be settled and secure someday. It takes a long time to find the right person. Its a painful journey. You have to go in deep before you know if it’s going to work out, and by then, emotional connections are strong. So breaking up feels LIKE SHIT!!!!!! It’s terrible, this human need for bonding. Leaves us SO VULNERABLE. I hope you have some family or friends to be with on Christmas. Love to you

  20. Can you practice in front of the mirror until you get your eyes to look the way you want them to look? And then memorize how that feels like on the inside so that you can set your eyes that way when you need to? You know how people practice smiling for photographs? like that Also, sunglasses whenever possible. Also, you are probably very cute and just do not feel that way.

  21. I had a friend like this too. Ignoring didn’t work. I had to be upfront and tell her straight out because she wasn’t getting the hint

  22. Yes, just say, I’m at work, can’t talk. If they keep talking, say it again, and then “got to go got to go, I’ll call you back, bye.” Then call back when you have time. When you call back and its taking forever, say, “oo got to go, the fish is burning” or, “someone’s at the door” or “my husband is calling me” or “there is another call coming in long distance” or what my mother says is “well, I don’t want to keep you, I’ll let you go now, bye!”

  23. Can you not pick up when you are busy? If you are cooking, or sleeping or working, do not pick up. You have less free time, so call her back when its a good time for you, ex, when you are commuting to work, or when you are free. If you do not like talking to her at all, then do a slow withdrawal, call less, pick up less, and less and less

  24. I know exactly how you feel. This is what I wrote today;

  25. have you tried walking outside and looking at the trees and the sky? Just take time every day to connect with nature and you will feel grounded

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