
  1. I had a super-douchey DO that was made a squadron commander, then an OG/CC. Much as I didn't want to leave that location... when I heard he was made OG/CC, I was immediately happy that I'd PCSd a year or so prior.

  2. Didn’t want to leave…hmm, couldn’t be Col. Take A Fucking Nap then. Everyone and everything wants to leave Tinker.

  3. Correct...not Tinker. And this was a few years before Col Take A Nap.

  4. You’re saying it’s “easy” to build in Austin? Or Phili? Or Phoenix?

  5. It's way easier to build in Austin or Phoenix than LA or NYC.

  6. I’m a small business owner in a blue state, and the problems I face are undeniably greater than my red state counterparts. There is so much more regulatory compliance that I have to deal with. Now, I am fine with it because the area aligns better with my morals. But it should be easy to know why.

  7. There are multiple stories of business owners either going out of business or moving out of California due to the tax burdens and minimum wage increases.

  8. They didn’t kiss, but I definitely wasn’t getting platonic vibes from them sitting on that raft at the end

  9. I mean, the last conversation they have in the Jaeger is Raleigh confessing his love for Mako. Definitely not "friends who have been through something".

  10. This is why I only use the GTC for things DTS requires, like airlines and hotels. Everything else goes on the personal card.

  11. our unit has a new policy the the GTC has to be used for ALL TDY purchases, and we no longer get full per diem, only what we actually spend on food

  12. Your unit doesn't have the authority to override the JTR. You should talk to the IG and/or the JAG.

  13. They aren't available for order...So if you don't already have them from your detachment, you're not likely to get them.

  14. Yep. They are going against us, armed in two greatest powers of the modern world - money and media. I don;t think they need luck so much...

  15. They only have money because we give it to them. And the media only matters if people view it.

  16. Persecution fetish I guess? Inb4 downvotes but gaming is widely accepted and no one has an organized campaign to "slander and outlast" gamers (what does that even mean?)

  17. Maybe no one has a campaign, but "slander and outlast" seems to be the move every time some game significantly alters major portions of the gameplay or character models to be "more inclusive", and gamers react poorly.

  18. Second one. The cloud goes in the sky...that's an easy way to remember it.

  19. Haha yeah, I remember watching The Martian and every scene he was in I was like, here we go!

  20. They just killed his career in the Martian.

  21. Wash. Im a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar. I thought my gang deserved a happy ending.

  22. That was mine. Although I get it...from that point forward, no one in the cast is safe. If they're willing to kill Wash, there's a definite possibility that they'll kill Kaylee, Cobb, Zoe, or even Mal...

  23. Not if it's the same human race that selects a bunch of drillers to go to space and and save the planet from a rogue asteroid.

  24. Don’t forget Charlize Theron running away from a huge crashing spaceship…. in a straight line

  25. I think that was Noomi Rapace that ran from the spaceship, but yes, 100%. Not the only example of this trope, but an especially egregious one.

  26. Why are you not able to attend Basic Training? Because you can do AFROTC without doing basic, but you still need to do a ~2 week Field Training between the second and third year (or, if you're already in college, then maybe between the first year in the program and the second).

  27. So after all the letters to congress and congress demanding that the DoD fix things like black mold and leaking they're upset that we are investing money to fix the things they demanded we fix?

  28. "Wolves don't kill unlucky deer. They kill the weak ones."

  29. that’s monetary policy not fiscal policy. fiscal policy is government spending that always has a source (debt, taxes/revenue).

  30. Yes... and we're increasing the debt to the point where interest payments are more than the entire DoD budget. Borrowing to spend more money is inflationary.

  31. that’s literally not inflationary, sure it’s a bad thing, but it’s objectively by definition not inflationary

  32. I don't know how you possibly think increasing government spending is not, by definition, inflationary.

  33. School district and city taxes are local taxes. You’re unlikely to find anyone who is familiar with his specific location. 

  34. From Ohio. Can't speak to his specific school district, but school district taxes are often as much as state income taxes here.

  35. I don't hate the idea, but I'm not buying one while I'm still in the military. I don't want to do a road trip and turn my 5 minute gas stop into a 90 minute charging stop.

  36. The Illusionist is amazing. I think it gets overshadowed by The Prestige, which came out around the same time.

  37. Good. The conviction should end his career, regardless of the sentence.

  38. It's 40% for new recruits, with a 5% match on TSP...

  39. It’s worth noting that the whole “you own a revocable license not the game” thing is corporate propaganda and very much untrue.

  40. Well, the latest example was Ubisoft removing "The Crew" from people's machines when they shut down the servers.

  41. How about you just pay them better?

  42. My son and I were talking about this phenomenon the other day. One example we came up with was the Marvel character Ironheart. When she first debuted in the comics, I remember a tweet that went semi-viral, calling her the "first black female superhero" and it "was about time", etc. I'm all for diversity and representation, but not everybody gets to be first, you know?

  43. They made the weak swimmers wear a helmet with a glow stick attached to it during our class.

  44. I did Navy water survival way back in the day. They rolled me from class and made me show up to the pool 3 hours a day for two weeks until they were convinced I wouldn't drown.

  45. You will have to go through water survival training. It'll be a lot easier if you know how to swim.

  46. By and large, it won't affect you. The Post 9-11 GI Bill is better in most situations. The MGIB has a few very niche areas where it's better.

  47. I don’t think the bar needs to be raised, I think we should mask all indicators of what attempt the officer is on (commissioning date, promotion dates, year group, etc.) so the board scores first and second attempts evenly without the knowledge they were previously passed-over, and possibly give a third attempt because by the time you found out you didn’t make it the first time and you only have like 6 months until your next board and that’s not enough time to do anything to fix it.

  48. Still tough to do since they can count your OPRs and training reports.

  49. Evidently. But to lower the bar for officers because the kid right outta highschool "needs more time to be an NCO" is a bullshit aegument

  50. Did I argue to lower the bar? What I would like to see is a promotion system that doesn't discard people after one missed opportunity, not one that promotes people who aren't ready. The system we have now creates an incentive for senior leaders to push people who aren't ready because they don't want to derail their entire career, which leads to toxicity in the senior ranks.

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