
  1. Anime and K-pop, but it’s also pretty mainstream. Kids will listen to the old punk or goth stuff but they do it because TikTok told them to. It’s not as permanent.

  2. My step-mom couldn't get my siblings to eat things. After 3 days of babysitting them, they ate whatever I put in front of them. Some people just can't suffer short-term in order to achieve long-term goals.

  3. I get the impression that Maher has had to deal with a lot of activists posing as audience members, so now he has a more "professional audience" set-up, which is not unheard of at all, but for some weird reason the audience is also super small, so it sounds awkward.

  4. Bill has admitted to carefully vetting his audiences now, if you watch from before COVID, he constantly bitched at the audience because they didn't yuk yuk at every punchline. And it wasn't typically because it was super offensive, but more because the jokes were more amusing than laugh out loud funny. But Maher being a primadonna would often sneer back at them like everyone was too sensitive.

  5. Well, it is literally the audience’s job to laugh. There are applause signs at every recording of a sitcom or talk show.

  6. World War Z, Snow Crash, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, The Lord of the Rings

  7. Yeah, the video is delayed in the first shot. I think he whispers sorry, I'm so sorry. Then when there is no response, he says it louder.

  8. It looks like it was Nepo all three times. The video is just delayed.

  9. Honestly kind of sad because having grown up with this generation for so long, I feel like Gukesh will have many years to be at the top but all three of these guys are so deserving in their own way.

  10. They'll all be able to console themselves with the fact that they wouldn't have been playing Magnus and the title doesn't mean as much without him defending it.

  11. It doesn't sound like you have a lot of job prospects, given the fact that you're working a part-time job at a thrift store. I'm not sure if you want to risk having no job and your next application asking for references from your last boss.

  12. Which side of the “bright line between good and evil” is Israel on then?

  13. Please provide a quote in which Sam Harris says he thinks setting up a Jewish state in the Mid-East was a great idea.

  14. Not exactly tuning it out, but it does seem hopeless. The GOP keeps getting crazier, the DNC therefore doesn't have to reflect on their own poor choices, and there isn't a very strong contingent willing to challenge both sides to appropriate degrees. We're now 16 years after Hope & Change, and what seems to be most agreed upon in politics is that hope is dead and no one is willing to change Washington.

  15. Rainn Wilson, Anya Taylor-Joy, and xQc

  16. There should be a lot of YouTube shorts from Hikaru Nakamura.

  17. I'm not sure why I should listen to either of these tiresome people.

  18. I've heard him speak from way back (on youtube), solid.

  19. Our evolution assures a focus on sex that makes it very hard for a child exposed to pornography to ever look away, or refocus on developing their personality, identity, skills, and dreams in a non-sexual way. A lot of middle schoolers have given up on learning because the power they derive from their sexuality is enough to attain attention, popularity, and even money. Their potential is stunted when they start focusing on their looks and their ability to manipulate people with sex.

  20. Hancock’s fame predates Rogan’s podcast. I remember his TV specials about ancient civilizations on TLC back in the early 2000s

  21. Yup. Mainstream stuff on TLC, History Channel, Fox, Hulu, etc., is far more responsible than Joe Rogan or social media, which isn't to say the problem hasn't been exacerbated.

  22. There's a huge community of these guys that was around long before Rogan. My step-father is constantly watching stuff about ancient aliens, ghost hunters, etc., and I don't even know if he's heard of Joe Rogan. Maybe by now he has. But the idea that the internet wouldn't be replete with these people if not for Rogan is way off. Even in the mainstream, this stuff has been around forever. All the way back to shows like Unsolved Mysteries. Does anyone remember the old days of Hulu? It was like 60% conspiracy theory documentaries. Don't get me started on the History Channel.

  23. Illinois = high taxes & corrupt government. 4 out of the past 10 governors were convicted of Federal crimes committed while in office.

  24. Hot take: frequent convictions mean IL government is actually less corrupt than most. Corruption would hide its flaws.

  25. I don't this this insinuates there is no suffering. But in such a small country, I do think it shows that there is not an active genocide happening if people can congregate in large groups in such a wide open area. I find it hard to believe this photo could come from a location that is actively being burdened with a genocide. But I could be wrong, I'm no expert.

  26. It especially contradicts the “open-air prison/concentration camp” language.

  27. There is no marketing this. You can't expect, in this day and age, and with the attention spans we all have now, for people to tune in for hours to watch players just sitting there and thinking about moves. No ammount of commentary will make this palatable for anyone but the most dedicated nerds, which are watching it anyway. Post-game reviews are the way to go, but Gotham/Agadmator/Hikaru/etc. have got that part covered

  28. Millions watch biologists talk about science for 4 hours on YouTube.

  29. You suggested that short attention spans are the problem. How exactly is it not relevant that millions of people have the attention span for 4-hour science conversations?

  30. Bro are you really trying to get me to casually watch 4.5 hours about Atlantis? You can’t give us a good time stamp or nothin’? LOL

  31. It's actually a really interesting listen

  32. I’m sure it is, but a time stamp would be nice.

  33. I still don’t know if I ever got Covid. Is there a test to see if you got it and recovered?

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