
  1. Please explain your point of view.

  2. I have a breeding kink AND I want children! >:D

  3. Mr Electric send them to the penis explosion room and have their penis exploded immediately

  4. Probably a money thing idk, it's crazy expensive to raise a kid anywhere in the world nowadays

  5. that plays a role but also kids are incredibly annoying

  6. so called "free thinkers" when there's a post about getting a golden arrow that will do nothing (they all want it for some reason)

  7. No. You are not a special human either; you can be part of your government if you so chose, unless there are extenuating circumstances (cough-Russia-cough).

  8. okay so you are being sarcastic

  9. A lot of Anti-Natalists also don't want disabled people to have kids

  10. I mean if you can pass on a disability that will cause pain for your child (emotional or physical) why would you have biological children, that's selfish. If I had schizophrenia or type-1 diabetes which I could pass onto my children I would never even consider having them, as it will cause lifelong suffering on them. I don't get how that's eugenics.

  11. Type 1 can pass to your kids? That's super stressful because my own or my son's doctor never mentioned that.

  12. In the United States, 1 in 300 children and adolescents develop type 1 diabetes by age 20 years, but 1 in 40 offspring of mothers with type 1 diabetes and 1 in 15 offspring of fathers with type 1 diabetes develop type 1 diabetes. The disease is likely caused by the inter- play of genetic and environmental factors

  13. Mine ruined my life and left me with untold trauma. I've been single for two years and know that I will never find someone.

  14. that's super sad man but I think you should talk to a therapist about it rather than trauma dumping in a reddit comment section

  15. France should be that one kid that lost his virginity at like 13 and smokes in school bathrooms

  16. you shouldn't check your mailbox

  17. I wasn't listening to this song 10 minutes ago. This post also made me feel like nobody is reading my thoughts or is following me

  18. Oooh HELL NO!! And they wonder y ppl respond to this subject !! I pray the babies ok 😓

  19. it's almost like it's fake 😲

  20. are you ironic or just fucking retarded

  21. i DO NOT want to know what that song is that the starfish is singing. DO NOT TELL ME. I WILL DECIMATE YOU!!

  22. I literally had the dialog myself in game about marina taking up to much of the bed the day the expansion came out.

  23. mate you have no idea how cancer works

  24. I don’t need to know how a car works to know it doesn’t take 10k to change a car tire. Have you seen the cost of cancer treatment?

  25. am I in okbuddyretard what is happening

  26. I swear to god you guys don't know what satire is sometimes

  27. I call zipcaster "monkey" 😭

  28. in other languages red hair is called orange hair so

  29. people downvoting definitely remembered that this subreddit is about lying

  30. /ul honestly I checked it now and although low quality it's not that bad. definitely not 2019 "omg this guy used an emoji!!1! kill him!!!" bad

  31. idk. I think I played salmon run once in this game 💀

  32. Guys in the comments defending this, if a person trying to get a toothbrush/toothpaste/deodorant is resorting to stealing, then I'm pretty sure they need it. Same goes for baby formula, or basic food products like bread or water. People stealing those things aren't doing it for fun, they're doing it as a means to survive. Don't get angry at people trying to live, get angry at people that stop them from doing so.

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