
  1. Are you fucking kidding me? How the fuck are you alive still?

  2. Yes. Compared to everyone in that show. He was in fucking Tommy boy and he’s Joe dirt.

  3. He’s been on like 4 shows this year. If you see him anymore than that people would think Tony isnt picking random names

  4. Or literally anything other topic of discussion.

  5. Casey has opened 10% of Hans body of work as the opener. Everyone chill. You guys are out here comparing apples and bananas.

  6. Sure. But the state of the country is chaotic. A lot of people only see right or left.

  7. So no source on that at all? Interesting lol. Almost like you’re trolling 🫢

  8. Didn’t JB have classified docs too? Just not charged conveniently

  9. By energy I mean laughter. Whether you like it or not. He brings consistent laughter to the room unlike his predecessor.

  10. I hope she does not see this. Poor girl is gonna kill herself. Hope someone captures that on video.

  11. Pretty sure she’s got better things to do than be on Reddit.

  12. If you misunderstood, I agree that David spade did well.

  13. Please gimme more information on what you mean by

  14. Im sure there's more to it than that

  15. You’re right, he’s a narcissist and can’t ever admit to being wrong.

  16. That’s what I literally said out loud.

  17. His biggest problem is hes absolutely horrible for podcasts. They cant see you, so why is every kill tony opening with a guy who uses props every episode? If you are listening to the podcast you basically have to skip this section because you cant see it. Wtf is Tony doing

  18. I don’t know the numbers, but I have been watching for 7 years. YouTube.

  19. It’s from the Tucker episode. All the lefty Hannah had any fans have infiltrated and are trying to tell everyone what to think is funny now.

  20. What’s your definition of a joke? Because I heard a crowd laughing their asses off when he said that.

  21. The example is I actually laugh during Unk’s set and Casey’s set is confusing and I don’t get it.

  22. Fair enough. But if you compared the two side by side, uncle laser has minutes worth of silence from a crowd from a joke that didn’t work.

  23. I call bullshit. That would immediately end the platform. He can’t be that stupid.

  24. He’s gonna get paid, I don’t think anyone on this app can argue the fact that he has more money than you and financial advice on here would be coming from a peasant compared to his wallet

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