
  1. Oh fuck… that’s what that was? I was sitting on the couch and I felt it briefly shake, like someone bumped into it or leaned on it, but no one was around. Kind of freaked me out!

  2. My Saturn return (I have Saturn right on my AC). I didn’t know it was a thing but it hit so hard. I ended up not working for 4 months (diagnosed with stress), had panic attacks and was emotionally unstable for years. It did make me stronger, though, and I’m appreciating Saturn now.

  3. That’s crazy! My stepfather died towards the end of that same transit for me! Pluto conjunct IC squaring my natal Pluto. That shit SUCKED. My whole family got ripped apart, and my stepfather’s death was just icing on the cake.

  4. Wilkes-Barre, PA. I didn’t so much “visit” as stop there on my way across the country because I was too tired to keep driving. Just has a weird, extremely unfriendly vibe. Binghamton, NY was similar.

  5. I hate this whole goddamn valley. I can’t wait until I finally have the means to leave.

  6. I was mistyped as an INFP for years, thanks to 16Personalities intuitive bias. Also, INFPs and ISFPs are very similar in temperament. I didn’t learn I was an ISFP until I studied to cognitive functions and found a much better test to take than 16Personalities.

  7. I feel the same way. If I had that kind of money, I would be inventing ways to give it away as much as I could.

  8. There's a real lesson to be learned from the ex-wife of Jeff Bezos, who gives away money hundreds of millions at a time and keeps finding herself with more than she started with.

  9. Oh god, is that what’s going on?! I haven’t been able to think or communicate clearly at all for the past couple of days

  10. Female Entp here, dating a female isfp; it’s definitely not a very common relationship, i can tell you that much, but for she and me it works. I’ve pretty much been a piece of shit my whole life but she’s taught me a lot about being a good person, she helps me understand a lot of things i didn’t get before and i’ve even held back on a lot of arguments for the sake of her mental health. she makes me extremely happy and even when we do go through rough patches, at the end of the day we both love each other enough to get over ourselves and make up. another thing is that we click perfectly intellectually; im the only one that really gets her and shes the only one that really gets me. overall being together is very humbling (and for us, extremely passionate and fun).

  11. I love this! This reminds so much of me and my ENTP partner. We are very very different from each other in ways that have caused a great deal of conflict in the past, but for reasons I don’t understand, he says that I still make him extremely happy, and that through me he has become a much better person as well. I have no doubt that he would die protecting me if he had to. He shows me his heart, and I can’t help but love him so much for the privilege.

  12. No, the secret is not sleeping with men who refer to experienced women as “run through”

  13. If you hardly ever find guys you like then being single is self-explanatory. Let's ignore the guys who approach and pretend they don't exist because you'll never date them anyway. Who's left? Nobody. My opinion is that you will need to put yourself out there and spend time getting to know guys if you want it to work. I think that's the big difference between you and these party girls, they're talking to guys all the time. Not the charisma.

  14. As a former party girl, I can say with authority that this is 100% correct

  15. "We've investigated ourselves and found that we are not doing the thing people think we're doing. Good day."

  16. You hit the head with that nail so hard that you gave it a lobotomy

  17. Even if we assume complete honesty on there part (doubtful), isn’t this kinda like saying “We looked and did not see the thing that is allegedly carefully hidden from us”? Like isn’t part of what guys like Grusch are saying is that small but powerful factions within government and industry have hidden things from the people nominally in charge of monitoring them?

  18. Exactly. And I think most of us have figured out the game, but they still play us like idiots.

  19. I was raised by a con man/golf hustler father, and that's usually where I go if shit is getting real.

  20. You sound like my boyfriend, who I suspect is an ENTP. His father is also a con man, and he is extremely good at talking people into stuff himself, but tries very hard not to fall into his father’s footsteps.

  21. Similar, but add IAMX, HEALTH, Red Mecca, 3TEETH, The Birthday Massacre, The Mars Volta, and more!

  22. Yes, I am a picky eater. More so when I was younger than I am now, but I am very particular about what I eat. But unlike you, I prefer healthy food and I am a VERY adventurous eater. I will try almost anything at least once. But overall, I choose food not only for taste and texture, but how it’s going to effect my body. Do not underestimate the difference your diet will make on your health and well being.

  23. I 've never told my story before either in print or otherwise mainly because it was so traumatic. The encounter happened almost 25 years ago and I was plagued with horrible dreams on a nightly basis for over 10 years. My encounter happened in the spring of 1999 in southern Ontario on the Bruce trail near Primrose. I grew up in Toronto and my parents had a country house near Violet Hill where I spent my summers and weekends. I took photography in college and at the time I was an avid nature photographer. Staring in 1995 I got very interested in wildflower photography and on the day in question I decided to seek out nearby locations for painted Trillium's. It was about 11 a. m. as I got to the Primrose side trail of the B. T. which is about 3 miles from my house. It was a windy day as I made my way into the forest and as I walked up the trail I got an increasingly "sad" vibe. (I'm not a sensitive per SE, but at certain locations I can feel sorrow and sadness. One example is Niagra Falls. Every time I go, I'm literally overwhelmed with sadness. Possibly from all the suicides). I tried to shrug off the feeling but it was very oppressive and as I got deeper into the woods the more heavy the feeling got. Regardless I walked until I found a small meadow in the woods that was covered in a rich carpet of white and red trillums. I put my camera on a tripod and settled back to wait for the wind to cease so I could photograph the flowers. I sat on the ground and tried to enjoy the spring beauty but the oppressive sad feeling was morphing into a feeling of being watched. Finally the wind stopped and I noticed how truly quiet the forest had become. It was if I was in a vacuum. I could longer hear the traffic of the occasional car driving by either and I was starting to feel slightly edgy. The feeling of being watched became so intent that I actually called out to see if anyone was around, since there were bikers and joggers on the trail most weekends. After approximately a half an hour I had used all my film, (Yes,. 35mm Kodachrome)and I decoded to pack it in and head home. As I was breaking down my camera and putting it away I heard a squeaky scraping sound coming from deeper into the forest which baffled me since the road was the opposite direction The sound lasted about 5 - 10 seconds and stopped. I got up and I started to walk towards the sound thinking it was probably some machinery from a nearby farm. I walked another 100 yards up a small hill when I heard the noise again only louder and longer. I shrugged it off and turned around to start my 10 minute walk back to my car but as I did I saw a black shadow type entity in my peripheral vision fly from one tree to the next. Sorry I have to stop here until I have time to finish my encounter tomorrow.

  24. It’s amazing how many stories I’ve heard so far that include hearing a similar noise before an encounter; I’ve heard it described like scraping metal… or a large, heavy, metal door opening. Really makes me wonder.

  25. Man, people have some nerve telling you that you shouldn’t use your name.

  26. It isn’t his choice. If you don’t want to get knocked up, take the damn pill. No need to involve him, unless you want him to pay for it.

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