
  1. Why isn't it printed on the top or on the eggs themselves?

  2. Can't say for whole Europe, but in Denmark it printed on the egg and has a code where can look up where each individual egg comes from and all information about the egg

  3. Part of the reason I never leave money on the account my card is attached to

  4. your friends essentially called your girlfriend a whore and you're confused why she's mad??

  5. At 20k per climb 😳 this can’t be cheaper nor more practical than taking an helicopter and dropping down form there. For sure is more time consuming.

  6. a guy flailing around in the wind hanging from a helicopter is probably not the route they want to go, much safer this one also there is a good chance its more expensive and more difficult. Now you don't just pay the light bulb guy but the pilot and the helicopter which most likely will end up being more expensive

  7. Does....does that say it took you 2 and a half hours?????

  8. unless doordash think min means hours i think it took him 2 minutes and 30 seconds

  9. Yeah probably not didn't see the next photo, just a weird way to display it if it's 2 hours

  10. im gonna be the boring guy, but please atleast wear a helmet, seeing you do wheelies on that thing gave me anxiety of someone falling back over and cradk their skull

  11. I think you'd be surprised what people would do for money

  12. She held up a prop depicting a severed head of Trump. That’s treason and a terroristic charge. She was let off way too easy. Those threats weren’t warranted. But it still happened.

  13. both candidates is useless, but the true brainwashed people are the ones who goes this far to show their political opinion

  14. okay but when i do that it's "sexual assault" and "illegal"

  15. Well you are not supposed to do this with random people, that might be your problem.

  16. i think you need to look up "swallow", i was very dissapointed

  17. 90k to live comfortably as a single adult is crazy talk. maybe take a finance course to get a grip over your life again if you need atleast 90k a year to live comfortably

  18. I mean, they could do a musket volley fire with 3 rows. That leaves like 20 people in a circle? After the first cum shot, the second row moves forward and fires, then the last row will be the finisher.

  19. That is possibly, but it would require a massive coordination. You are going to break the line, if you cum to late or not at all and if you cum too soon you'd cum the wrong guy and you're out

  20. does insurance helps you with rehoming? that sucks, hope everyone gets back on their feet fast

  21. and now he has to pay for a new windshield aswell

  22. fuck it im tripping him over to secure my win

  23. okay but why is it recommended to you 🤨📸

  24. og selvsamme rygere brokker sig sikkert over den dag hvor kommunen gøre det forbudt at ryge i de områder

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