
  1. Always contest a traffic ticket and elect to go to court if you can. SF cops are inundated and rarely show up to court rendering your case dismissed.

  2. Another example that the poor have a lot more in common with the wealthy than the middle class with either

  3. The fact that he didn’t pull a tablecloth off a full spread with his cheeks makes me very disappointed

  4. I feel like this is a thinly veiled political campaign or shill

  5. I’ve never had it but i listen to a bunch of hunting podcasts where they describe wolf meat as the most putrid, foul, vomit inducing meat ever.

  6. Man the way her arm snaps back is such a sign of discomfort and knowledge that this is not ok.

  7. 40yos who unironically refer to their fathers as daddy is unsettling

  8. Looking like a Native American community college poster

  9. God gave shob big shoulders to carry all the feces that he piles on top of himself

  10. Damn Tucson building code enforcement is chill af

  11. Many of those zero knowledge people literally work in the government like Marjorie Taylor Greene

  12. Yes but can’t say it’s that surprising when the bar is so low. It’s literally the same eligibility as going to prison except you have to be 7 years older.

  13. You are in big trouble if I don't get a pizza with peppers and mushrooms delivered in 10 minutes.

  14. You should be in jail for a pizza with only peppers and mushrooms this is America!!!

  15. Even in the offish chance that the fatass does win in Nov, I take comfort in the fact that esp this time around, his orbit will be filled to the brim with such stupid criminals who will inevitably take him down on their own way down. And buddy, many will be goingo down.

  16. Idiots. We’re all supposed to hate idiots who play victim and make others atone for their own problems like this chick.

  17. I’m from the future and here to tell you that he’ll never make that walk again

  18. The shit Apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree Randy

  19. …..deleted wtf am I commenting on politics hair…

  20. I’ll throw in Rogan and a pretty big lonely Korean but that’s my final offer take it or leave it

  21. If you can show me proof of the stuff you’re talking about I’ll take back everything I’ve said. My point is when I looked into it there wasn’t any proof of anything except being a scumbag and cheating on his wife, which a huge percentage of the population does, especially male celebrities. Like I said if you can show me proof I’ll take it back. Most of it is just randoms throwing accusations. I looked into it pretty deeply when it first happened and couldn’t find anything. I like facts, not unverified testimony. People can’t be trusted to tell the truth unfortunately.

  22. Nah I think we’re pretty aligned on the facts. Dude was for sure a slimeball with very suspect ethics but I’m not saying he did anything illegal. It’s also why he’s not in jail.

  23. He didn’t do a lot of the things he was accused of. The world decided based off of false information pushed out by several different media outlets. Notice not one person has linked me any evidence of him “being a diddler pedo”

  24. Ok now you’re losing me with this obvious straw man. What evidence are you after? There’s no indictment or legal docs. How about corroborated testimonies from multiple people?

  25. Schaub is a legitimate grappler...I mean he is an idiot but he is very good at jiu jitsu.

  26. I’m sure he is/was legit. But the point is, he knew cyborg was better and instead of humbling himself and engaging in good faith he does what he’s famous for: half assed it, was arrogant and stuck his head in the sand when there was legitimate criticism….then tried to spin it as if he came out on top.

  27. Yeah but it’s not some huge boost, some just associate with other athletes and their lives are athletics, working a part time job does the same in school. Lots of stuff, picking up a shift at Changs after 9th period is where it’s at

  28. I’m about as eggspert in this subject as shob is to comedy meaning I’m practically a child psychologist.

  29. Yeah but if they didn’t make it to the NBA or NFL it dawn cown. Right b?

  30. you hit the head of the nails, B. None of them maddur

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