
  1. "Bahnwerter Thiel". Langweiliger Anfang, sehr schneller Abstieg in den Wahnsinn. Ansonsten haben wir den Film "Der Pianist" im Geschichtsunterricht geschaut und nach dem sie den alten Mann aus dem Fenster geworfen haben wurde mir richtig schlecht.

  2. Die schwarze Spinne war ziemlich uff. Für manche sicher auch der Sandmann. Persönlich fand ich auch eine Buchvorstellung ziemlich wild, hab's schon halb verdrängt aber irgendwas in Richtung eine junge Frau wird irgendwie genötigt/erpresst sexuelle Handlungen mit ihrem Bruder zu haben und dann damit noch mehr erpresst? Im Nachhinein weiß ich nichtmal warum sowas als Buch überhaupt legal ist, geschweige denn warum man das mit anderen teilen möchte.

  3. Kunst stellt Realität dar und verarbeitet sie.

  4. Danke für den ableistischen Schwachsinn. Warum ableistisch? Weil hier die Erkrankung und Behinderung anderer für eine politische Aussage missbraucht wird. Außerdem stimmt da eine ganze Menge faktisch nicht bzw. wird massiv übersimplifiziert.

  5. Als jemand der depressiv ist stimme ich dem zu.

  6. I've seen worse. I think it's fair that she sees what she might have done but she doesn't want much to do with you anymore. I feel that part is good.

  7. This is the biggest point, anyone who disagrees with you has to think about the elderly. Who will work for their pensions? We are fast approaching a world where two thirds of the population will be seniors not contributing anything to society, essentially leeching off without giving anything back, and the youth trying to survive in a world where everything is way too expensive to essentially own anything. I'm young, not 30 yet, as of now, I have no hopes of ever owning a house. Even a brand new car is out of the question.

  8. I'm sorry, but why do we even keep people alive for that long? It helps noone, it's dehumanizing for them and hard for the rest of us.

  9. What is wrong with opinions rooted in emotion? We seem to discount emotions, and yet they're a great indicator of what our instincts and subconscious perceive to be wrong. Listening to emotions mkre would make us kinda more viable.

  10. Because other people view things differently from you, and to say, "only my emotions matter" is manipulative, gaslighting, and incredibly dangerous, because it dehumanizes anyone who disagrees with you.

  11. Did I say only my emotions mattered? Or is "emotionality" often used to discount very real concerns of people?

  12. Gaah self-diagnosis by social media pissed me off too - this is coming from someone that was misdiagnosed with BPD whilst at the hospital and then eventually, my psychiatrist afterwards said I have complex PTSD. These guys do not know the living hell I have to go through with cPTSD. The constant hyper vigilance. The way my body gets when im under stress - cortisol levels are so bad my muscles feel stiff and i cant sleep. The constant defectiveness and worthlessness I feel when I get triggered. No none of these tiktok people know what it’s like. Thats why i always encourage people to go see a professional instead of going off of tiktoks and such. And, as a social worker in training, I’m also trying so hard not to over diagnose people as well

  13. NAT, but diagnosed with BPD. I experience all of these things you just talked about. And yes, to exactly that degree. Has gotten better with treatment but that is not a reason for you to think that others don't have it similar as you.

  14. The point of the comment you responded to flew over your head. They were not saying that no other person in the world could ever experience those exact symptoms. They were saying that the trend on TikTok for folks to self-diagnose and therefore misrepresent/minimize the symptoms of these disorders is harmful.

  15. I understand what you mean, however what honestly pisses me off is that this self diagnosis thing as "minimising the Symptoms because self diagnosing people have no idea what it's truly like" and "rebranding BPD" in this case are taken in the same breath. Those might be two issues that occur, but as people with BPD are either often completely dismissed in their pain or looked at with disdain or pity instead of empathy, a comment chain like that really rubs me the wrong way.

  16. Das muss man sich dann im Einzelfall anschauen. Irgendjemand, der völlig den Verstand verliert und sich nicht helfen lassen will, ist auf jeden Fall ein No Go als Partner. Wenn sie sich aber helfen lässt und irgendwo ein Weg der Besserung erkennbar ist kann man auch negative Dinge tolerieren.

  17. Weg der Besserung nach deinen Kriterien oder nach Einschätzung der oder des Erkrankten?

  18. Hm. Also ist immer die Frage wie viel davon tatsächlich Depression ist und wie viel die Person dann selber ausmacht. Ich z.B. mag keine zu lauten Umgebungen in zu großen Gruppen, und vermutlich ist das egal, wie viel ich dann geheilt bin, ich werde sie immer noch nicht mögen.

  19. Ja, hab ich gelesen. Ich habe selbst genug Lebensmittelallergien. Auch auf die ungefährlichen Symptome hab ich keinen Bock.

  20. Also hat hier jemand was von lebensgefährlichen Symptomen gesagt.

  21. Read again, there was no spelling mistake.

  22. What the hell does reading have to do with Melanin?

  23. Prefacing this with I know not all nurses are this way. But some of the nurses I’ve dealt with recently have been some of the most incompetent, arrogant,

  24. Overworking and short staffing. They're tired.

  25. We’ve all been over worked and short staffed since Covid doesn’t give an excuse to treat patients like shit.

  26. They often times literally don't have time. This whole thing is going to fly soon.

  27. I would say the same thing if a woman choose her boyfriend over her child! Picking your sex life over your child is asshole behavior! And even if the daughter didn't like the grandmother either it's still her family and OP knew his daughter liked the ring! And it could have been one nice memory of her grandmother!

  28. Most of the German bands I like, apart from Rammstein and Oomph!, also sing in English

  29. Lol, you don't know much metal. And also not much rock.

  30. What would be the point of them wanting to rule Africa if they say they hated Africa?

  31. Lebensraum. Basically make more room for them.

  32. Why do white supremacists talk about go back to Africa and than we will rule you guys and make you white?

  33. Not make them white. Literally space for aryan germans. Part of it was definitely the missed chances at colonialism, Germany had very few and small colonies. That was also one of the reasons for the expansion war in general, especially in the east. I think white supremacist is a very wide term to use. There are a lot of regimes who used racist segmentation with completely opposing goals. One might agree at racism bad, but seeing how the underlying reasons were different makes it much easier to understand and tap the problem at the root.

  34. Cheese and yogurt are not typically supplemented the way liquid cow’s milk is.

  35. Ohhh, you are talking artificial supplements. Only in the US

  36. Yes—that’s what I meant by “supplemental” Vitamin D. There are no naturally occurring plant sources of Vitamin D.

  37. how else do you treat the severely mentally ill, besides forcing them to get treatment

  38. 80% of that mental illness are bad living situations.

  39. idk how you can "treat" financial problems, probably was more a weird accident of my writing. i meant more that they would be kept off the street and made to live at the "asylum" until they were back on their feet. i never argued homeless people should be locked up "because" of their mental illness. neither was the OP. i think you're just completely misunderstanding what we're both saying. neither am i arguing that all poor people should be locked up. obviously so, because i clearly wrote that the majority of poor people are not homeless, only a tiny minority are. so either you're just not reading what i'm writing, you're deciding to interpret things as negatively as possible, or you're just routinely misunderstanding what people are writing.

  40. If it is financial problems, only treat them until they're stable enough.

  41. Flourene is a very reactive element and forms almost covalent, very strong bonds . Neon is very very unreactive. So even Fluorene isn't able to react with Neon.

  42. ASA. Entweder ihr sagt es dem Kollegen halt, ob ihr ihn dabei haben möchtet oder nicht. Aber das so halb unabgeklärt zu lassen programmiert euch einen beschissenen Urlaub vor, weil sich A (zurecht) nicht eingeschlossen fühlt und ihr keinen Bock auf die Sonderwünsche von A habt. Klärt lieber nochmal mit A ab, wie es für alle am besten ist.

  43. I'd recommend it, it was fun. Although I didn't make the CuSO⁴, I just dissolved it in 3ml of tap water and recrystalised it

  44. Use distilled water. Always use distilled water for purity.

  45. If you start collecting your laboratory equipment now at your age by the time youre in your 30s youll have a complete laboratory. Botany station and everything. Youd be surprised how many people over the age of 30 DONT have laboratories or anything resembling them. You already have a head start. And youre making crystalline. Bright future ahead of you. By far.

  46. One would also be surprised how cheap one can get their equipment when they are willing to wait for a good opportunity.

  47. this just proves that if we ever revived the T-Rex, it would taste like chicken

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