
  1. Pretty much this has gone the way of Baki and Kengan we just appreciate the pretty panels and hope our favorites don’t get curbstomped for not being the MC

  2. Kengan has remained pretty consistent with the story pretty much the entire time

  3. the story not the strength of the characters

  4. babysitter Zack isn't here that was peak Zack

  5. what does bos nean though, board of study? business operating system? why do you guys keep making terms

  6. it means Beginning of series like eos means end of series

  7. Wasn't he forced or something? He even looked grossed out while doing that

  8. forced how this is before he went insane so he could have just beat anyone who tried to force him to do it and it is unlikely for them to have blackmail on him so how could he have been forced

  9. Couldn’t care less v/i/n n/e/g/s

  10. isn't that what people use to make fun of Kashimo after he got waffled by Sukuna neg diffed so you're saying Vin got neg diffed

  11. Question, do you know in which chapter they explain mastery? I kinda forgot about it and dont know which characters have it

  12. I think it was one of the chapters in the Seokdu fight

  13. Seriously people be saying "guys hear me out" over any attractive woman so let me show you guys how you REALLY do it

  14. this is the trip to Mexico they aren't there yet

  15. Jinyoung will come back. He has already left for 3 chapters and 1A needs to end finally.

  16. It would be hilarious that after the hype entrance this chapter Tom sees a sane Jinyoung and just gives up arc over

  17. okay but at this point why would Tom continue to work for workers Jinyoung is sane again so Tom no longer has a reason to work for workers

  18. my line of thought is that the first gen was considered a warzone, and filled to the brim with chaotic fighting, and I don't really think that would happen while Gapryong was alive, considering all the respect he commanded, and the control over the 0 gen which are considered to be the strongest fighters so far, so Gapryong died(likely James having had help with it) chaos ensues for first gen, James enters training arc to take on Jake's bro, but conviently he leaves for Mexico, and he neg diffs the first gen instead to prepare for the 4 major crews

  19. gen 1 was chaotic because Gapryoung went into politics and the rest of gen 0 fought for control eventually recruiting high schoolers and starting gen 1

  20. yeah the thumb is facing inward while the index finger is facing out

  21. hit us with that devilman crybaby run in the last slide

  22. you have to understand his eyes went white like Sperm referencing the fact that Gap's sperm made him and that makes him really strong

  23. You're right for the different reasons. UI Daniel doesn't get stronger, however he'll get "stronger" in a sense by power creep. Just like how Gun is affected by it.

  24. he was introduced too early in the story so even if UI Daniel isn't actually getting stronger he still has to be stronger then everyone else

  25. Gongseob mentioned hansu seong in these chapter though which is that pretty impressive for Gen 1 to know him

  26. not really Hansu is a famous athlete

  27. it might have been just another 2a type thing

  28. specifically blonde eli or just in general eli either way that is one if the most basic list ever vasco 3rd affiliate is one of the most liked characters ever daniel is the literal main character everyone loved blonde eli and current eli is becoming a fan favourite again and then there's hudson

  29. why did you put so low he was going toe to toe with for chapters

  30. Tbf was already damaged from his previous Fights so going toe to toe with isn't that impressive

  31. even though he had previous fights his fight against didn't actually weaken him though since states that he was stronger then he has ever been when he went toe to toe with

  32. i was scrolling the action genre and saw something that looked like a drama and decided to try it

  33. okay lets imagine this Soohyun gets speed blitzed takes a single attack and Daniel for whatever reason stops attacking long enough for Soohyun to hit him with the stun move and Daniel is stunned for 3 seconds then what mana drain for 3 seconds isn't enough to matter Daniel loses some stats for a bit then demolishes Soohyun and trains for the stats he lost

  34. because Johan wasn't in charge of Gangbuk at this point people in Gangbuk knew that but people outside just thought Johan was in charge so Johan giving Hudson leadership means nothing

  35. wouldn't go that far UI Daniel was relative to full power Jinchang who got low diffed by Charles who should be weaker or relative to Jinyoung

  36. tom because immediately after this he continued fighting at full power while sinu was barely able to continue after

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