
  1. I’ve not met Black Peppa but I’ve followed her on socials for a long time before she went on DR. One time about 2 years before her season she did a Q&A in her story and someone asked if she would ever go on DR and she responded with a hell no. I replied to that story and we had a brief chat, I told her I was fan following from Australia and the international fans would love to see her on there. Was great to see her when she was on!

  2. whatever happened to oppenheimerle ginsberg?

  3. I didn't think she tanked ngl. I think Gothy was doing a fake out with a bad dance and then wanted to surprise us with the fire.

  4. Nah I think she’s just monotonous in general (no shade, I’m exactly the same), and I just don’t think it translates well to TV.

  5. My takeaway from the season is Alexis Michelle brings the theatrics and the drama and I wish we could have more.

  6. I didn't really meet her, but there was that christmas drag show recently and Jimbo was there. While we saw a lot of other queens from the show, Jimbo stayed on stage after the show was over (Crystal Methyd and Heidi did too, but left before Jimbo, the usher literally had to drag Jimbo away 🥹) and was just chatting with whoever approached her. She was also posing for photos and was sooo sooo sweet. She was saying hi to everyone and cracking jokes and I just remember being so shook getting to hear her laugh up close.

  7. I met Jimbo once and she saw me staring at her tits and asked me if I wanted to squeeze them. Best day of my life.

  8. Realm of the Elderlings series by Robin Hobb

  9. Definitely this. It’s a bit of a commitment but holy hell there are some scenes that completely took me out.

  10. Did you leave a bit of time between 3BP and Children of Time? I waited maybe 6 months and I think that’s what I love CoT so much.

  11. I’m in the middle of a re-listen and love how almost hilariously dark this series is. Its like watching a slow moving car crash, with so many pivotal events effecting the entire human race being ultimately decided by the decisions of a single person.

  12. My favourite memory when listening was during a 45 min drive to work and taking in the droplet’s complete annihilation of most of the space fleet.

  13. I got my first pair a couple of years ago and the service was great. I look like I just rolled out of bed most of the time so I was actually expecting to cop a little judgement but quite the opposite. It may have been because I walked in and was like “I want to buy myself a pair of boots and I’ve never had RMs before so I don’t know what I’m doing”

  14. Tomara has all stars potential written all over her so I don’t think it’ll be her. They’d be mad not to bring her back for another crack, she’s great TV.

  15. Yes, but not because of the Ellie Diamond reference. He just didn’t understand the reference at all

  16. I think Hyperion would be a fucking awesome limited series.

  17. Each of the pilgrims stories would make for a visual feast in 60-70 min episodes.

  18. Yup. And then they have the shrike biline running through, with a two to three episode culmination when they arrive on hyperion.

  19. I’m currently on my first read through of Hyperion and omg the first time we see the Shrike, I could SEE how it would look on the screen in my head and it gave me chills.

  20. Another amazing and disturbing book. Whilst it’s about first contact, it’s also a book about faith and how sometimes the best of intentions can have dire consequences.

  21. I read this last year and holy hell did I love it. So incredibly imaginative.

  22. Not consistently, but having Lady Camden on US14 and now Cara Melle on UK5 could be a sign that more US/UK queens may go across the pond

  23. I think all the US/UK crossover queens (as well as UK1’s Crystal from Canada) say they started drag in their new home, or their drag was heavily influenced.

  24. I’m in the middle of Hyperion by Dan Simmons. Was a bit hesitant to read a sci-fi novel written in the 80s as I find them quite dated but I am very much enjoying it.

  25. My list in sets (also get rid of all permanent judges except Michelle):

  26. I love that you put Pedro and Monet together. Giving them their moment ❤️

  27. After reading this, I’m so glad we don’t live in this timeline lol

  28. This is the perfect mashup of my two favorite shows! Irene makes a stunning clicker.

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