
  1. Can someone explain to me what does that Aaron dude and the whole drama going on have something to do with SMG4. As far as I know, it’s Calve and Nintendo which were affected by this

  2. It's not nintendo, it's a guy who claims to work on Nintendo. His name is Aaron Rogers.

  3. Aaron Rogers is X, the impersonator is Aaron Peters.

  4. Definitely Impulse, though i'd prefer Yoel.

  5. You can't force Jack to do stuff just because he saw a Reddit post.

  6. Scott is seemingly very nice at first, but he can become very lethal at times.

  7. Perhaps it's also why they're so close together this season.

  8. SMG3 is not anymore because he called himself that. The rules state that Tumblr sexymen cannot call themselves that or they're automatically not one anymore.

  9. He deserved it. I usually like (both interpretations of) SMG3, but that episode sucked, i could not continue watching past that point, it was too cringe and Gen Alpha for me.

  10. Intelligence Quotient, it's 2 words. (unlike an apostrophe which merges 2 words into 1, an abbreviation doesn't. It's still 2 words)

  11. Dude you can fucking see it. There's a thin metal rod holding it. You blind?

  12. UHM ACKTSHCHUALLY iT'S NoT ThIn, It jUsT CoNvEnIeNtLy bLeNdS In wItH pUtIn's sUiT 🤓🤓

  13. What's the username? It might have been posted after Sunday. Or Saturday for people not in NZ

  14. OPP (original post poster) posted their original-original post (which is depicted in their original post) 1 day before the Reddit video, and expected Jack to film the Reddit video after that. Got it?

  15. The ever increasing number of “describe him/her in X words” posts recently.

  16. Welsknight: Y’all had to incite so now I have to indict. You’re GUILTY of getting murdered with words. 

  17. I also remember Grian going "Mumbo? Is the moon big?" and Mumbo responding "Well yes, Grian. Thats why we're not sleeping, isnt it?"

  18. That's not a typo, I absolutely meant it as dumbfuck.

  19. 2009-2024 are at the lowest 2 words, and at the maximum 10 words, depending on how you look at it.

  20. What happened to the 4th comment rule? You guys are slacking

  21. In case others haven’t seen it, Etho and Zisteau have a great Terraria series

  22. Ren was also a Terraria YouTuber for a year before he started playing Minecraft

  23. Jesus, they didn't teach you about Vietnam? That's wild.

  24. The US apparently wants people to forget about their losses

  25. Mr. Puzzles is great, but he's had his time.

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