
  1. Reason 591 as to why abortion access and education is critical.

  2. I’m finding a lot of 30+ year old neurotic types are either taking an unholy amount of adderall to keep up with life or are fully unravelled because their doctor took their subscription away.

  3. Where can one find this Adderall Subscription?

  4. The open mic person also has to be playing music stupid loud and yelling at someone in the room with them

  5. Open mic shouldn't be an option, IMO. Every time I've had a teammate with it enabled it's exactly how you described or worse.

  6. MTG perpetually stuck on the earliest levels of insult swordfighting with "I know you are but what am I?"

  7. "I am rubber, you are glue"

  8. SES Fist of Family Values

  9. Part of the reason is that they want to sabotage Biden.

  10. I think the Florida situation scared them from actually wanting to expel illegals. All those empty construction sites and other jobs that just vanished after DeSuckass' bill passed. What they want is to keep the illegals coming but never give them a path to citizenship. Keep them underpaid, underserved, and without recourse to any injustices. It's gross.

  11. Go on. Put your dick in. Can't be crazy when your job is to fix it, right? RIGHT?

  12. Holy shit this was so spot on they need to give this person an Oscar!

  13. Your friends dad was Elliot Stabler?

  14. This is crazy, can't believe it, what's her name so I can avoid her in all the parts of the Internet?

  15. Tell me you're trashy without telling me you're trashy

  16. That girl that stomped her boot on his back definitely knows what’s up and went full bdsm on his ass lol

  17. I need to start going to conventions...with a leash. For science?

  18. It’s like when you buy something for a cat that comes in a box and they just end up playing with the box

  19. Kids and cats are remarkably similar

  20. I know an ex heroin user that told me this:

  21. Yep. There is no tangible thing in the world that can wrap you tight in a warm blanket of assurement and euphoria like opioids. I have a wife and kids and even their love doesn't compare to the synthetic love of opioids. That said, you couldn't offer me anything in the world to go back. When you come down that blanket is ripped off and you could swear it had been super glued to your skin. Fuck that shit.

  22. Wow. I saw Kanye and I expected this to suck. This doesn't suck.

  23. You must not have been listening back in the days of Graduation / College Dropout. Kanye is a real hip hop talent and the albums he put out before 808s and Heartbreak (in my opinion, but people like that one too) were highly anticipated and incredible.

  24. When your entire personality is based around this you are really fun at parties.

  25. From the video - "I ran these streets all the time, just went on runs," tells me everything I need to know. Running the streets in suburbia is very different from running the streets in the hood.

  26. I don't care what you do with me when I'm dead. Just throw me in the trash. Who cares?

  27. The world is watching this and laughing at us. I wish these people could have one moment of clarity and hear how fucking stupid they sound.

  28. 🫱🫲 Wait. Let me ✨️ gently move these ✨️ 🫱👁👁🫲 HA! NOW GAZE UPON YOUR DOOM.

  29. I hate every part of this.

  30. how could a group of ppl that suffered so much thru the years, inflict the same pain to others? humankind is so depressing

  31. I am not excusing anyone, I want to clarify that up front. I have been learning more and more about the cycle of abuse and generational trauma, so imagine a son who is beaten by his father and then beats his own son later in life. Now amplify that to genocide of your people, then liberation, and all of the sudden you've been given this chunk of land and told "k good luck, we'll send checks."

  32. In case anyone is wondering, the soy sauce is for the eggs. Also mcdonalds serves rice for breakfast in HI

  33. McD's breakfast in HI is the bomb. I would go out of my way sometimes to get it which I NEVER do on mainland.

  34. Dude is so happy to have discovered his entire personality going forward. The "I had a ton of views on social media once so now I'm a creator" vibe.

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