
  1. Ai art sucks and devoid of any meaning


  3. Hello! (I’m a teenager) I know some people who like it, but it’s not as popular. Still well known obviously, but not a HUGE thing.

  4. How about Percy Jackson? That was huge when I was in middle school

  5. I am loving the Kyoko & Ren flirty moments! I actually squealed in joy! Thank you for the upload! Hopefully there will be a translation! Side note: Do we think the water dumping is bullying?

  6. Dude if this was actually the US it would constitute a hate crime 😭 assault and battery by throwing the water and targeting two people just bc they’re Asian

  7. It’s the translations and the lack of visual storytelling.

  8. Yes this might be the case, i tend to feel very confused reading the manga, especially after a long break. It’s not as enjoyable due to the translation and the format of it. Hope a professional fan-sub team pick it up soon

  9. You could always wait for the official translation, that is your best bet. If money is an issue, I think the Libby app via your public library (given you’re in America) has a few issues

  10. And there was no disagreement, no thing you did or he did that could explain that ? It just happened 1 day without warning or trigger ?

  11. I’ve ghosted someone for my own mental health. There was no disagreement but a ton of tiny personality quirks and very odd behavior that made me very uncomfortable. That paired with how they made their personal issues everyone’s business made me realize that cutting them out cold turkey would be better than trying to work it out.

  12. Afaik women who cover their faces (niqab) do lift that part of their veil for identification purposes like at an airport, or the DMV. My husband’s family is Muslim and this is what they told me, but they wear hijab only and we live in America so this might be different in other countries.

  13. You’re on the nose. I live in Saudi, some women choose to wear a niqab* but they must show their face for government IDs. The photo is taken by female staff in the female section of the government offices. (Saudi is not gender segregated. This is an exception, not the norm).

  14. having an entire crew and room just so women can be segregated is inane. 

  15. Not really? Don’t know what to tell you but even in the US, they will take you aside privately and have only women perform security clearings to accommodate religious beliefs. It’s called compassion and understanding for those who follow a different path.

  16. Guy on the right is a dead beat, abusive dad. Odd thing is that his daughter is an android that he bought so lmfao (game: Detroit become human)

  17. why did he buy a robo kid and act like he didn’t want her around 😂 bro you did this

  18. Didn’t he have an ex wife? I thought the plot was that he got her for the wife but she left anyways and he was stuck with the android kid

  19. I think OP assumes that as the rector of the Hunsford parish, he would still have to be living near there for his job. But as others have pointed out, once Mr. Bennett dies, Collins would officially be landed gentry and would have no need to work for a living. He’d likely appoint someone else to his position

  20. She may have been a more practical choice for him. But, he clearly thought himself worthy of a "great beauty".

  21. Very true. And despite choosing “plain” Charlotte in the end, after being turned away from Jane and the rejected by Elizabeth, I doubt he would’ve considered a 3rd Bannet child.

  22. Here’s what the McDonald’s Italy website says about the cheeses they use

  23. BORU lately feels like watching a dying tv series. nonsensical updates dragging the episode a season or two longer than needed be.

  24. The real quality posts are the ones from 13 years ago when it was real people with real struggles

  25. It depends on volume sales. If there’s been an uptick in people buying volumes, then it’s possible! I’m not sure of recent sales stats though.

  26. It’s the cover of Hana To Yume multiple times tho? Even then it wasn’t popular? Or are covers just rotational in Japan?

  27. Solo Leveling at least ended and had a clear arc, all while decently explaining the mechanics of the world.

  28. Maybe not "lost their way", but Threadbanger just sort of dissappeared? Stopped posting and removed a bunch of their videos with no real explanation

  29. I totally forgot about them! Do you think they broke up? Corinne privated all her videos on her personal yt channel.

  30. I mean, that’s kinda what’s been going on.

  31. I knew it was fake from six months pregnant and having a wedding in August

  32. “Everyone asking me to get an abortion. I will not.”

  33. I like this actually. Because it’s depressing af. I’m not depressed. It’s just like, I like the push and pull kind of relationship. It’s crazy. Lol!

  34. Honestly I liked it bc of how depressing it was, but I stopped reading when

  35. If you want something like that I'd recommend "Betrayal of Dignity" but you probably have had already been recommended this

  36. I haven’t read it! It sounded very smutty sounding to me and I’m not very into smut

  37. thank you kind person, I do not frequent this sub often enough 🫡

  38. Honestly, this is the first time I’ve seen it and I’m glad you uploaded it!

  39. I’d love to hear her thoughts on Fox News and why she left…….

  40. She wasn’t the strongest supporter of Trump, supposedly. He wasn’t much a fan of her either. I’m willing to be that (with how much Fox News hyped him up in 2016), it was a mutual parting between the two.

  41. Fox News did plenty of damage to civil society before Trump came around……she was on from 2004-2017

  42. I tried to hint at it but was unsuccessful lol. Trump said a ton of negative things about her, she wasn’t happy at being a target (shocking) and realized Fox News wasn’t going to back her up (she called them a “snake pit”) so she left. She doesn’t care about society, she mostly cares about herself lol

  43. I’m digging way too much into them loool it’s just interesting how different each floral basket is from each other. Different florists (the type fonts are different as well as the sizing on the cards)? Why are some signed Beyoncé and others just B? Some were handwritten while others were typed. I’m way too invested lol

  44. Do you have a recommendation for that pairing? I think I‘ve never found a well written one before

  45. The ones I’ve liked thus far were

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