
  1. It'd be hilarious if both MTG and Trump were Democrats who knew they'd never win as a Democrat so started doing a Colbert Reportesque parody of conservative ideas but kept having to push the boat out further and further cause the parody could never match the sheer madness of their actual conservative constituency.

  2. It's a cliche pick, but I gotta go with Night Watch. It's just so good. Everything meshes well together, and nothing could be removed without damaging the story. IMO his single best Discworld book.

  3. It's my absolute favorite in the series as a whole, let alone The Watch subseries.

  4. Spoilers: In the OG at least, Sephiroth wasn't obsessed with Cloud. Sephiroth didn't actually appear until the northern crater. Up to that point, any time you see him, it's either Jenova appearing as Sephiroth or Cloud hallucinating. It's unclear if that's the case in Remake/Rebirth, but it could be the same. In which case, the much easier to answer question is, why is Cloud so fixated on Sephiroth?

  5. Anything I didn't understand is "woke", which is why everything is "woke" lately! - conservatives.

  6. I try, but there aren't any screens outside, so they refuse to go out there.

  7. Just played back through it to get ready for the Rising Tide, and it's way better on a second playthrough.

  8. The Zodiac Killer on a caterpillar. There's a tongue-in-cheek internet conspiracy that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer (even though the killing started before he born)

  9. Originally, this was because Ted tried to argue that if someone hasn't denied an accusation, they must be guilty. Hence the accusation that he's the Zodiac Killer, an accusation that, so far as I'm aware, he's never denied.

  10. Was thinking about this the other day while replaying to get ready for Rising Tide: I kinda wish there were interact prompts for Jill and Joshua too. Pet Torgal, give Jill a hug, give Joshua a high five or something.

  11. My feeling is that deconstruction done well is looking at a work from as many different angles as possible. What does Superman look like from a judeo-Christian perspective? From a Marxist perspective? From a feminist perspective? From a social justice perspective? On and on. What do each of these lenses tell us about the thing we're looking at? A good deconstruction tells us more about the thing, not less. It's not the same as subversion and attempts to use deconstruction to subvert the thing tends to break down. "Well, from this perspective, Superman would be a villain, so let's make a story where Superman is a villain!" doesn't tell you more about Superman as a character. "People with this perspective would see Superman as a villain. How does Superman handle that?" is a much more interesting story that tells you more about Superman's character.

  12. When the marks make your con part of their personal identity, that's a cult.

  13. Maybe if we can convince these idiots that eating is gay, they'll all starve and leave the world a better place. Shouldn't be that hard to do, "Stick food in my... mouth? Like a gay person would a dick?! No thank you!"

  14. FF has been a series for a long time and has stubbornly refused to define, let alone stick to, a formula. Being a fan of some of the games moreso than others is natural. If you really love one game in the series, you're probably going to have strong negative feelings about some of the others that are nothing like the one you like.

  15. Hey! We didn't lose a war to an object! That's ridiculous! We lost wars against concepts.

  16. I found out about this on an episode of Um, Actually.

  17. VIII is not even in my top 10 FF games, but it's got the best overall soundtrack. VI has my favorite individual song though.

  18. They can't govern, want what's worst for everyone, and are just straight up evil or incredibly stupid.

  19. Given the latter, the former's probably for the best. A competent party that evil would be terrifying.

  20. I was forced to go to a southern baptist school.

  21. I grew up fundie before they rebranded to "evangelical" and wasn't allowed to watch Ninja Turtles cause "Ninja" is "Eastern Religion".

  22. The song "Another Brick in the Wall" contains the lyrics "We don't need no education"

  23. Not only is it Sean Connery in the sun, "shun" is how Sean Connery would pronounce "Sun".

  24. Yes; under the leadership of the "Boy Governor" Stevens T. Mason, we went to war with those fekkers. They got Toledo, we got the U. P.

  25. At the end, I was kind of hoping Sam would announce the winner was a hitherto unseen 4th level.

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