
  1. I agree that if you’re not sedated it won’t be TOO horrible. Pain lasts about 2 hours max in my experience. But I did pop an 800mg ibuprofen and still felt it to its extent.

  2. Original-Syrup932 when I want to access basic healthcare rights 😡😤🤬🤯. Sorry for advocating for my best interests

  3. My last 6 videos that I have uploaded have at most reached 5 views. I don't know why it is, some say it could be because of the niches that are already saturating the platform 🤔

  4. No I mean why does it say I have one view and then say no views yet

  5. I’ve buried two people that got addicted to ketamine. It began in a clinical setting, but it ended up with them, stealing it from the veterinarians office one overdosed one committed suicide.

  6. I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m more interested in LSD and psilocybin treatments but I know ketamine is very popular right now for treatment

  7. People that like great food, nice people, nice weather, Texas tech, ease of access and transportation, affordable housing, west Texas

  8. As someone from Austin who loves Lubbock we don’t want OP either.

  9. Hi everyone! I’m an MSW student going to an interview for a paid internship for my second and final year. It’s a group interview because it’s multiple psychiatric departments trying to find their individual interns. I’m really nervous and trying to learn how to prepare? I’ve never done an interview as my previous internship was very casual. What questions should I be prepared to be ask? What questions should I ask them? Any help would be amazing!

  10. Same here! Had a really rough week with a family crisis. Made horrible eating decisions (was at the hospital for a family member). Literally just ate crap like fast food, cafeteria food and sweet pastries, coffee and cookies. Still lost weight. I was sooo anxious to weigh myself but it turns out eating less still = weight loss. (I don’t condone eating like this for weight loss or anything but life happens)

  11. Well but then he hasn't really said anything yet

  12. I don’t really understand your point other than “men can never win 😭” when comparing two drastically different situations and two very different relationships..?

  13. Sorry I was mostly trying to be humorous :)

  14. Oh no it’s okay if that was your intention, I got the wrong tone I guess and I’m in a bit of a grumpy mood today lol. All the best to you

  15. Flower Bomb, Melanie Martinez Milk perfume and then I graduated to Glossier You (which I never liked but got a lot of compliments on so I stuck with it). I became a bigger fragrance fan in college unfortunately so I wasn’t too adventurous in high school

  16. 23 Female, I feel like my list might come off pretty immature! Im new to fragrances and I also like things that tend to feel pretty trendy or popular. I’m not listing in any particular order because my top 5 are all pretty equally used and loved for me

  17. I suffer from chronic migraines and have experienced the opposite so far. I’ve been on sema for about 5 months and am on a 1.0 dose. I do get migraines still when there are severe pressure changes or if I’m not drinking enough water but I’m no longer getting hunger migraines that I used to get really bad any time I was in calorie deficit in the past. I also notice that if I’m having a shitty migraine day my small salty fry and small coke hack with a ubrelvy still does the trick for making me feel better so maybe it’s okay to indulge in things like that during a migraine day if you notice those things help you but now you’re restricting them.

  18. Would LOVE some extra help sleeping, I’m basically an insomniac at the moment (1.0 dosage)

  19. never again. i took 2 and vomited the entirety of the next day.

  20. I bought the Sealy mount auburn in store just a couple weeks ago 729.00 for a king. I'm very happy with it.

  21. I’m looking at this same mattress! Do you still like it?

  22. Hozier would never do Brittany like that though 🥺right??? Right???

  23. I was in a similar boat! I was born and raised in Austin so it’s not a convenient little drive back home and I was a bit worried I wouldn’t have things to do but I also fell in love with the campus compared to UT and A&M which were my other options and I knew I didn’t want to be UT level of close to home my entire life. I struggled at first to put myself out there but what was really helpful to me was off campus type of events. Going to first Friday art trail, doing trivia at Two Docs, going to the farmers market on Saturday and getting food with friends, all of that stuff really appeals to me. There’s also decent shopping to be done but that’s because I like thrift stores, crystal shops, bath and bodywork’s, stuff like that. I will also add that I did my undergrad at tech then applied for my masters and once again had to choose between UT and Tech and I happily chose to stay at Tech. I’m on my first year of my masters and I don’t feel isolated or bored but I’m not the most exciting person in the world lol. Good luck!

  24. Im not saying I agree with her but I did marry a girl like that and am now divorced in my 20’s because she wanted to run off with a bum.

  25. But a girl who dresses highly feminine could do the exact same thing 😭

  26. True. I’d say her biggest red flag on dress was switching between feminine and masculine. Like Girl make up your mind 😭

  27. I am once again going to disagree and argue that most women pivot from style to style. I’ve never met a woman who only wears one type of clothing style, personally. One of my best friends dresses in that highly colorful childish boyish casual look (kind of like she’s styling herself like someone would dress their boy toddler, and I say this with love) but then dresses up like a model when it’s time to be fancy and looks like the most graceful woman to ever walk the earth. I either am wearing the largest shirt known to man to conceal my entire figure or I have my tits out and a skirt on and I’m ready to party. I feel like most women tend to vary how they dress quite heavily based on the situation? But I am also not most women so I can’t speak on the entire population lol

  28. I don’t go to UT Arlington, this post just showed up on my feed but I am on

  29. Omg I’m shocked! I thought that this was definitely not common place, maybe I’m the weirdo who’s never tried it! Lmao

  30. As a Bluey and Distractible fan this means everything to me

  31. You can waitlist (at least you could in 2019). I ended up getting a spot in Talkington and lived like a queen, but people survive in other dorms just fine, maybe just not an ideal living situation

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