
  1. Its a pipe with a wire. How is that so difficult to understand.

  2. Glad to see the hard work, but I still can't install it on my work machine because they insist on sticking with their awful name. Instead, I've got version 0.2.0 of the long-dead Glimpse project, which came out in 2020.

  3. I completely forgot people were upset about this. Remind me why?

  4. someone tell me how we dominate great teams like vegas and then shit the bed against the sens

  5. For anyone that may come across this in the future, what worked for me was stopping the Docker network interface, i.e.:

  6. I like the concept but I hate that I now can't tell whether a song is just in my liked songs or a playlist without having to tap it.

  7. I wish they let you set a default playlist to add songs to

  8. It's because the knives are too sharp for 47's anus (God I hate myself for saying that)

  9. The NFL pants do nothing for their asses unfortunately 🥲

  10. One guy gave me free bags at no frills one time, cool guy

  11. Probably will get mad about a piece of media “getting political” if it features a minority character

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