
  1. Scrolled way too far to find this

  2. TES VI: Skyrim-er | Legendaddy Edition

  3. I'd use any one of them if they all had a speed indicator that's just an easy to read big number in the middle.

  4. Dishonored 1 - The game is way too short unfortunately. I wish it was at least a 1/3 longer

  5. Anything by quadro in recent years. So slim and slick

  6. לבחור הזה יש יותר מקצועות ותפקידים מיוני חטאים... פשוט לא יאומן איזה בחור מוכשר.

  7. Ooh now I know why he looks familiar!

  8. Not my cup of tea in terms of design, but it's executed well, and as long as you like it, it's great.

  9. Honestly, there's probably worse reasons for a loan

  10. I wonder if dismemberment would be doable as a mod once the creation kit becomes available.

  11. I don't mind the npcs coming on to me. However, I do mind that my only option to reject them is being rude af.

  12. Not yet, but at this rate, I might be soon.

  13. Looks like something from Legend of Zelda

  14. He's definitely at fault, but you could have easily avoided it by just letting him merge...

  15. Every age is acceptable for any gender.

  16. Looks like a coked up bear that broke into a cheeto factory

  17. I know what I don't want different for sure.

  18. It's not really "throughout the years" when it's not chronological and only goes up to 1920...

  19. All classes have "Tiers" just like we had in d3... we're back where we started.

  20. Barricades wouldn't be an issue if the horse charge could ram through them...

  21. Barricades wouldn't be an issue if the horse charge could ram through them...

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