
  1. Folks i wont lie, im very concerned. Drake seems TOO confident man. That cant be the diss, SURELY NOT

  2. 'Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.' -Sun Tzu. Drake always has been, and always will be, a scared lil bitch.

  3. A lot of y'all haven't been paying attention. AI has gotten really good really fast. I've listened to thousands of hours of Kendrick in my life and Id bet money this "leak" is a fake.

  4. Nah, Kendrick has had a bunch of ghost writers with him during the DAMN era. This been known in the industry

  5. Been doing this for years and have never had a single issue.

  6. Yeah, same. People love talking out their ass about things they know nothing about.

  7. alot of his guest features for me are forgettable, however, if I had to pick a song - Purple Hearts

  8. Came here to say there are no weak songs, but this is valid.

  9. Fuck yeah, t girls are hot AF! Way to stand up to the bigots, thanks for being an ally 😎

  10. “If you are strong, appear weak. But if you are weak, appear strong.” -Sun Tzu

  11. If you used a coupon, Jesus saves too.

  12. Not finding the funny. Jesus (pronounced like "hey-zues") is a rather common name (mexico/central america) Worked with a Jesus at my job.

  13. In the context of Jesus literally delivering, as in from our sins, is funny. I know it's a common name. Idk ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I found it humorous.

  14. Until it drops to 3-5 dollars its not worth it. Which kinda makes you think of the stock is worth more than that rn. I sold today, tired of perma losing money while everything else is double digit green. Gonna buy in if it goes that low which is probably will in a years time. 

  15. Hf being manipulated by the evil hedgies. Good luck on your crypto cards and battery purchases

  16. This might be a stupid question, but why does RC give a fuck about moass, and exposing the corrupt criminal underbelly of the US markets?

  17. If moass happened, he would likely be the richest person in the world.

  18. Any word on the marvel mondos that we're supposed to be available for preorder today?

  19. Keeping an eye on Walmart. As soon as they’re up, we’ll make a post

  20. Kanye is such a worthless nazi bitch, it blows my mind how everyone still rides his dick. Humanity is fucked ngl

  21. How about go fuck yourself. Id vote for a literal pile of shit over trump, but Biden has done nothing but maintain the status quo.

  22. Kendrick is really an album artist. While individual songs are amazing, his music comes together thematically through the whole album. If the lyrics are going over your head, I recommend using when you listen, they break down the meaning to most of the lyrics.

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